Well spoken, I definitely can put my support behind this. I would understand the hate if role play actually affected anyone but those who do it, but it doesn't, so it makes no sense.
Lost my train of thought in the time it took to scroll down. Had a good response too. I think it was something like Not all of Kaw hates rp. Some don't understand why people do it, so they dislike it. Most assume its the inappropriate kind, so they automatically dislike it. Either way, as long as you don't practice the inappropriate type you shouldn't care what Kaw thinks. My alt is camped in an rp clan, and it is pretty interesting watching a group of people come together to craft their own story.
Sweet Christ, why is there no vote to ban button yet? I need it nao to get rid of OP quoters with one sentence replies.
Kermit the problem when one assumes :- It makes an ass out of u Not me And the point is I was stating how inappropriate the ops argument was. But I guess some of us see the true value or the worth of an individual differently. Now don't worry we know how worthless you consider people. Hence why you role play being a muppet with someone's hand stuck up your ? Or are you just mad that miss piggy isn't doing it for you
Im not saying I personally vue people's worth by their wealth, im saying that's effectively how money works. That's how governments vue people, in my opinion, and governments are voted in by the majority people. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's how life is. Whether you disagree on it's moral grounds doesn't make the statement any less true.
Government is rich social club with friends handing out millions in backhanded deals to out puppets into power that maintain their wealth. No one ever votes for a true government elected by the people. They vote on a limited choice representation. We vote for people other people want us too. Certainly not who is capable of doing the job the best. And certainly not honestly. So in line with governments your statement is close. In line with the people. Nope 90% of the voting electorate did not bother voting. Because they no its corrupt. Voting in muppet a or b changes little when the civil servants are not voted in. So as such the theory falls flat on its face when you refer to the majority of the people. The majority of people put themselves and their families need first. 10% of the people elected in the the government. Certainly not majority rule. And 90% of disillusioned people that don't give a damn about what a corrupt government does.
Ok, ill admit it was an outstretch to say it's the people's vote since I agree that the government system is mostly flawed especially since most people dont vote. However I was simply using that as a bait for your reaction. You mentioned how you feel the army allows people to be free, when really you are just bound to whatever the government decides and since the government is as you say, corrupt and based off of only 10% of the population. My point here being youre not free at all as you claimed earlier. Your argument against the idea of the people voting in the government contradicts your ideas of freedom, hence the military is paid what it is worth. Since nobody is really free to do whatever they want, they are not protecting anyone's freedom.
Actually the people have the right to appeal the government if enough of those eligible to vote demand such change. And so you think soldiers jobs are worthless due to the corruption of a government. The police and drs too. Plus teachers. They don't do it for the government. They do it for their people. They do it because the love their nation and desire to make it a safe and better place. That's far more important than dressing up as ironman and selling action figures. But keep trying. You may accidentally make a valid point one day.
Ironic coming from the one pulling strings out of nowhere. I mentioned nothing about the public services other than the fact that your initial argument for having an army was contradicted by your second statement which implicated that we are not free when you said the army was about protecting our freedom. I mentioned nothing about the worthyness of teachers, doctors or any industry that makes more money despite only being an unnecessary entertaining extra. You are literally grabbing at the air and intentionally misunderstanding my statements because you contradicted yourself and want to make me look bad so that you can feel better about yourself. Funny how desperate people get when they realise their own opinions make their other opinions invalid.
And funny how you made personal statements trying to grasp at how I feel, threatened by something I said. Over reacting a bit? I haven't said anything against you personally. Merely that I disagree with your opinion about the values of money and people as you see them. And I am free to seek any occupation I want. To travel freely. To live and many other things. I served in that army. I was free to enlist and to choose other vocations if I felt like it. I value them over your opinion of freedom without an army. I value freedom of speech with consequences of my words. So why did you open a thread for discussion if you are going to personally attack anyone that discusses things ?
Congrats prize for the first one that didn't read back and confirm whether he just made an ass of himself.
I felt my morales were being threatened by your statement that attempted to avoid the fact that your opinions contradicted themselves. In an attempt to protect myself i showed your intentions of the post and leaving your arguments, and your illusional morale high ground, shattered.