Comprehensive Guide to KaW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NotTom, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. But this is better since it's all in one. The only difference is that the guide made by kaw shows the icon's descriptions and it also tells where to go and what to have (clans, allies, etc.) which he haven't manage to tell or forgot to put in. But this thread tells more about the mechanics of the game which newbies should learn as they play this game..
  2. Could you please elaborate on what you think I have missed?
  3. I can't remember the others..
    Gotta check the modern kaw handbook and tell the missing ones (if there is).
  4. no support

    Youre just another noob who wants to be a VK. Leave these guides to players that actually know what they are talking about
  5. Beginner's guide to kaw*

    You haven't explained if what a (sorry for my memory in case I'm wrong), battle list is, allies, what you need to aim, the new gui, clans, followers, chats, and other terms. But if this guide doesn't aim to explain everything then it doesn't matter if you didn't put the other things.
  6. Ok alaissa I'll check it out
  7. Obviously you've never been in an osw
  8. I have, actually. And they get stale very, very quickly, for me at least.
  9. You should make a guide about being an one year old exploit account

    Ooooh and another thing..

  10. Once you reach -90 damage which is maybe 1 or 2 mil cs then from reg haunt u get like aroun 4 b payout . Don't spend money.
  11. I realise this is an older thread now, but Scumbag does have a point: this comprehensive guide is laudable, but the only mention of buying allies is tacked on as an afterthought in stage two.

    We took on a couple of interns, volleyed them so they had ~50m to invest, and then flipped allies with them until they had 1.5b. They spend 500m on Forges and Guilds giving 300k CS from the start; a 1b ally they can keep; and great experience of ally hiring.

    That may be more strategy though and I'm sure opinions may differ.
  12. Great guide! After 3 seasons of warring someone FINALLY told me what SKO means!
  13. Personally I think this is one of the best guides for newer players I have read, should most definately be stickied. The section on ee in particular is great, as I am always looking for a quick and understandable guide to tell players new to ee to read. Great job, Tom! If you ever have time, it would be great if you could either expand the ee section, or make a whole new thread dedicated to ee. It could include the terms you mentioned, plus go into more specifics perhaps on things like builds,towers,tanking, or even the usual expected "etiquette" i.e. having xtal, keeping cc clear, etc.
  14. Hybrid gets higher plunder than Hansel so your info is wrong
  15. No one does that anymore lol. And the fastest way to grow even running cheap is going guild hansel and converting. 24b to max the low lands and you generate more than what the build costs, that's efficiency. And if need be do we wars in micro bracket for easy bfe to hit ebs without pots ex. Haunting