Ok I dont have to explain myself really but I will 1. Its moose 2. Its 50 dollars 3. If you want to change build deal with it and change build like everyone else.
Support from Tubs! Because I like the idea Not sure if this has been brought up yet though, but there is a price difference between spy buildings and troop buildings on the lowlands and highlands. If the buildings are liquidated into tokens, those going from spy to troop ultimately lose money, and those going from troop to spy ultimately gain money. Approximately 330 billion gold (if someone checks the math). Any fixes for this? Or would the KAWmunity just be able to say "who cares?". "Smile more, kids" --Mr_Tubs
I've rethought this idea n not in support now. Why cuz those that built for war sacrificed willingly much plunder n up to many years of doing so. To simply let an EB faerie off the hook n convert so simply is buying time that many spent up to.years on. Convince the devs to turn back the clock n reimburse myself n everyone else's gold for war build conversions n lost eb plunder. Then maybe it makes sense. A BIG MAYBE at that
The developers are listening to players commentary, they just keep it under the radar to not give high expectations to the players until they themselves are sure they can make an idea work. For example, the addition of building tiers went from (Level 1 to 5) to (Level 1 to 10) due to the request from players. The developers have a KaW Road Map of there own. Which is due to all the events, that are coming up. At times the developers seem like money hungry sharks going after money, but didn't players request B2B events. Now that they are here, players complain. Developers: Do continue the events they are great. But they are running to dry and starting to become boring. Where is Kaw_Creative? The Feather and Dragon Egg events where better than these current events. Back on Topic: This idea has potential. It has been requested before and it was supported by more than 1000 players supported it then and more would sure support it now. But as Moose said at the end it is up to the developers, what they do with it. Where is the Shark Epic Battle? Where is Kaw_Creative? Where is Kaw_Community? Where is Kaw_Admin? Happy Kawing, Everyone.
Support. This is the reason I've reset so many times. After HLBC, I want to change my build. This would make it much simpler for me.
I support it as its frustrating feeling like your pigeon holed with your build, which can be discouraging if you are looking to access a different aspect of the game. However I also like the idea of a cool down period of like 6 months and a purchase grants you two resets in case you really mess it up so your not miserable for those 6 months.
I do support this, mainly because I know the hassle of trying to change builds and build types. Imo though, make the build change item cost a bit less. But you did state that number is arbitrary. Phenomenal idea though
First build the best build to earn cash the fastest waythen when ur bc u use a spell to convert to the heaviest towered build there is where other ppl worked 3/4jear for it dsnt sound fear to me . no support
Ive played for newrly five years also and changed and adjusted my build numerous times. Its not unreasonable to do so. Times change. Life changes. Everything changes. Adjust or be left behind in the dust. As a five year player like yourself you have had plenty of time to change.
I prefer it to be free or inexpensive. The timer would really help keep it inexpensive. Making it $50, most players still might not buy it. I have all propacks, besides that cost $10 or more. I certainly do not like spending so much at once. Now, even at $50, there will be people who buy it, but not as many as KaW needs. I believe it should cost $6 with the ability to use it maybe once a week. The abuse from that is so minimal. Also, I don't believe the ability to attack someone and go zero stats is a large issue. That should be overlooked in my opinion. I like the idea of build tokens, but not that they can be stolen from you. That is a stupid idea. No one would spend money to have their build wiped clean. Instead of someone joining EE wars they would leave KaW all together. I do see 1 LARGE issue with build tokens, I could get rid of my low land buildings and use them on more expensive buildings. I think it should just be converted into gold or there should be another currency like gold that can only be used on buildings. Tokens are a terrible idea and easily abused. That is my 2 cents, do what you want with it.
Like the idea. This would beneficial to players who have not participated in wars before. I personally would want to join s5 but i dont have the towers to do so nor the build to withstand s5. Changing builds is quite costly specially at my size. To change HL would cost me 3.5T, LL would be 300B, abyss and hoarfrost would just be crazy.
I would like this... And a way to stop people from going crazy with it is a way somewhat like from another game (RIP Global War). It was called a "restat" and you could only use it four times every 100 levels, there being 270 levels. A way to kinda bring that over would be to limit it to four "rebuilds" every 25 lands unlocked. But let's say you use four rebuilds between low land and high land completion, you get another four. Now you only use two between high land and hoarfrost land completion, those extra two are gone and you get a new four. Just a thought.