new EB coming out?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A_bus_full_of_nuns, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. I was looking at EB history in the lb section and saw a new looking EB at the very bottom. Not sure if I missed a announcement about it or not. Anyone know?
  2. the rumor is that only redstar can hit it, and that he needs to skim with full pots and mith.
  3. Yeah it is for the next event.
  4. Been there for long now..
    Not launched yet
    another addition to Wrath of Suverangati series

    I dont get why are devs wasting time making these ebs when only 1-2% of the community does them..
    That acc. to me is the job at the very bottom on top priorities list of what needs to be fixed in this game
  5. Only 1-2%. Quit pulling info out of your ass. Lots do the last 2 new eb's. It's the damn stupid events that make all clans run other eb's. Get your facts straight before spouting misinformation you know nothing about
  6. Only 1-2%. Quit pulling info out of your ass. Lots do the last 2 new eb's. It's the damn stupid events that make all clans run other eb's. Get your facts straight before spouting misinformation you know nothing about
  7. yeah. those numbers are way off.

    10 clans did lol this week.

    99-100 accounts on them. so about 1000 accounts.

    out of roughly 30,000 active accounts. (estimate based off the lb for the last event)

    that is 3% of accounts. not 1-2%.
  8. But that's just thisv week
  9. Lb clans have hundreds of people in and out. I'd estimate that the top 4k-5k of Kaw does the new Ebs

    Out of, since you say 30,000 actives, that's about 15%-20% of Kaw.
  10. Devs suck regardless
  11. Not everyone in The events... Maybe less than 35% of active players... I might me wrong it could be only 40% of base
  12. It's going to be more than that. If you are looking at the LB eb list for the week that only shows each clan's top time. They would have had done them multiple times thus more than the 100 people did it in the clan
  13. All of a sudden everyone here becomes the Stephen Hawking of math. Who cares what the percentage is, the point in being is that people that can hit those larger ebs is drastically less than the cumulative majority of Kaw. Those larger players aren't whining for larger and higher paying ebs, they want the broken war system fixed amongst a number of other issues to be addressed first. Why don't you know I all's take a chill pill.
  14. When no events r on many LB clans play aSoF n LotL. If not HtE clans that is.
    Eg Mainly only 2 eb's we run other than br.
  15. Even I can hit LOL with full mith  not even on LB
  16. Anyone can hit but how successful are they is the thing. Even with my spies I cut it close to failing
  17. Lol Really :D
    So How Much % Of The community does them ?
    If not 1-2% I Am Pretty sure not more than 10% at the very most..
    & That^ Is not much fyi
    try to understand what was the whole point of my post before jumping in With No facts..

    BTW Didn't U read when i said "ACCORDING TO ME"
  18. note to self: the forums aren't ready for math based humor
  19. I'm not even on LB (top 10k) and I've been top 10 plunder on both Lotl and AsOF, so more than top 1-2% do them.

    Hopefully they will make it pay worth doing it instead of HtEs or AFF. Really not much other option right now if you wanna make good gold.