Quest for spies

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Dakingk, Jul 11, 2015.

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  1. I think there should be quest for spies also.
    I think it's unfair that when we do quest, it only uses soldiers. I believe there should be two separate sections.
    1.for soldiers like it is
    2. Another for spies

    Simple idea I've had since starting this game
  2. Lock. This thread has been done 10k times not happening. Questing was a basic feature of the game and not intended for current play.
  3. i would like to hear more about this.
  4. First of all....
    Welcome to the forums!

    Second..... Many ppl said the same thing, but no action was taken. It will be helpful for hansels and hybrids, so I still support (again).
  5. No support
  6. No support
  7. If I had a dollar for every spy quest thread....
  8. This spy quest thread has been addressed 2, 3 times and I supported it before!

    And now I will support it again!
  9. Just use your spies on someone else's Kingdom. It pays better too
  10. But how about ppl who don't like to spy other ppl?...... :/
  11. This thread haven created about 12 times or more, the developers have no plans to make any spy quests this time, maybe in the future it who knows, anyways time for a lock.
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