Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Don't enter ASW 
    2hrs is too long for ppl rushing off for eb's.
    Its season war n the work done to organize a war makes 2hrs more worthwhile.

    I think IWar is for those ppl that lack commitment. Those that luv war will war anyways. Interlopers n casual warriors will mooch.

    If this proposal goes thru then remove towers so we all can make more eb gold n war when we feel like dropping by.
  2. Dear Devs,

    As everyone season, the new eq. are only a slighly better than old EE eq. So lots of warriors choose to not doing S3,S4 when they have S1, S2 eq.
    Now. the ee eq. are really bad compare to recent event equips. So there are no more new ppls want to join EE for better eq. they can just stuck 2 weeks at event to get the easier and better equips.

    Devs, how about release something at marketplace that we can purchase by miths. For example,
    aqua, inferno, building tokens, land tokens, 100% plunder bonus, 200%, 500%; or 100% pvp plunder bonus... etc

    That would give most ppls have a better reason to come bac/join EE.

    Let more ppls doing EE is the only way to fix the match up problem.
    Better rewards is the only way to let more ppls do EE.
  3. Fix Round War exploit n this proposal dies

    IWar is best for offseason Unless other concerns r addressed.
  4. Top 100 s4 gear is junk compared to pay for play eb fairy tap tap gear.haha this game is a joke.
  5. They like polishing EQ n not war n use them. I don't fear what is not used lol

    Let eb only ppl do their thing n kets get S5 figured out.
  6. 9 matches for IWar atm
    A whopping 270 entrants

    Where is all the support?

    Apparently events get many more participants n when over all run off for eb's.

    Good news is ASW fetches the best of the best for a reason. Stands to reason if a war system is fun ppl will war n its not only about rewards. Incentives obviously helps but there is much more to it.

    Say the devs had a 2nd Top 10k War for war keeners what would happen?
    200 vs 200 n who would WC n Track?
    Hypothetically speaking that is.
  7. This sounds amazing, it would be a more fair way to make match ups, so people can't make a unbeatable roster. But I dont like the lose medallions thing because since it is individuals the lose may not be on you.
  8. This is dumb as hell. They aren't too long because of running off to ebs. It's three hour commitment at random times for people with lives and work. That's too much for a dead ass game that's going to give rewards comparable to an hte event.
  9. My war idea is a lil radical...
    EDITED 9:15pm PDT

    CS BFA BFE on
    2 week segments
    Playoffs on 2nd weekend
    Each segment winner is in Season Finals
    More segments the bigger the Finals

    Round Robin 2 best records go to Finals for better rewards
    Tiebreaker is total plunder
    Top 4 WC's n 96 warriors in each tier receive playoff bonus rewards.
    WC's chosen is Won/Lost record.
    Tiebreaker is total plunder
    Warriors chosen by combined actions n defensive fails.

    WC's cast a special WOC spell min 1hr early n chosen by the Devs
    Warriors cast as above also n go into a pool ranked Hi/LO incl CS BFA BFE
    Xtal to enter war n given a War regen spell only used for war n expires if unused.
    Current war rewards for EE r same n can win back xtals.

    WC's r placed into tiers n draft a roster of 20-25 out of their tier. Eg draft friends.
    War clans can submit a roster 1 1/2hr prior to war n SS posted immediately.
    Roster can drop to to as low as 20 if insufficient WOC sign ups to balance out
    War clans designate 5 warriors to be dropped if needed to match equally.
    If ur not selected or placed oh well try again

    1/2 hr draft period or autofill kicks on n everyone LIVES with the matchup.
    1/2hr wait til war starts.
    KaW generates an SS for all clans.
    WC is turned off

    Rough draft idea
  10. No support
  11. At Nighthawk: wat if wc dont permit to xtl some warrior wen there is no need for that particular war. Which may overturn if xtl forcely used.

    Then xtler will loose xtl for no use..

    So no support for xtl spell.

  12. Xtals r rarely unused unless a leaky build.
    Also prevents ppl from mooching.
    Non used regen spells can still win xtals.
    The clans overall success matters most.
    A Small assurance ppl r warring to win.
  13. How about stop spamming items into everything. Why not just be simple. You win war, have points. Lose war, no points. Not medallions and other BS
  14. The problem with round wars is inability to plunder sh/lb rosters.
    The problem with primal is the inability to plunder hansel heavy rosters.
    Moving away from plunder based scoring would effectively stop these so called "exploits". Will ppl find a new way to stack rosters? Of course they will, and then everyone will copy it.

    Otherwise keep it as it is currently but modified.
    6 wars a day at 4 hr intervals, with two of each formats a day:
    Day 1- Indi, round, primal, repeat
    Day 2- round, primal, Indi, repeat
    Day3- primal, Indi, round, repeat

    All formats are catered to, all tz are catered to.
  15. no support

  16. Support
    Some great ee builds(too heavily towered) must be rewarded more or their hard work than 40 crap mith payout ( -,-)
  17. No support

  18. Ur a muppet
  19. Support