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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You know how when you hit players you received plunder? And when you upgrade and progressively become stronger, smaller players pay less? EBs work the same way. When you pass a certain stat total, you progressively become too strong cause your plunder to decrease (like how it works with smaller people you attack). Try hitting a harder EB, and upgrade. The pay should increase at that point.
  2. Considering what slayerbob said, what would be the optimal cs to make plunder off of HTE?
  3.  thats why people are SH
  4. Soo following this theory there is a cap plunder for hte? o_O but there are bigger players who earn much more per hit from hte as well no reason why my plunder should drop at my stats...
  5. dont worry im pretty sure devs made a nice and high cap for hte
  6. HTE is made in a way where that cap doesnt apply
  7. So true
  8. When does the leaderboard update? I feel like it hasn't updated yet today and its 10::07 a.m. Dev time
  9. Why don't I have an lb?
  10. Nevermore, on what eb did your plunder drop?

    Are you sure no BR or whatever spells were involveld? Certain that you compared ally bonus plunder (or first hit plunder) on the same eb?

    HTE's (and I am pretty certain also haunting's) plunder curve has been revisited by the devs in order to give more plunder the more "plunder" buildings (or stats) you have. In the past there was a point where your plunder curve took a dive on certain ebs that were too small. This nowadays doesn't really seem to apply (I would have to test though...).

    Your stats certainly aren't that huge that you should see plunder drop while growing (except if not max ally bonus plunder, but that's not the case). I remember seeing similar drops when upgrading different tiers during my kawreer (especially the SoS). What upgrade did you do? Don't tell us it was a tower upgrade 

    To get the best plunder increase, go buy new land and a new building. As long as land prices aren't exorbitant, it's worth it.
  11. The devs changed this EB plunder dropping thingy lol

    It use to be a bell curve but when people weren't upgrading past tier 6 level 1, they realized that they messed up. So without telling anyone other than certain LB players on the direct line, They changed that. They didn't even tell support, I have a support email from Ruby a couple months ago using my bell curve language, that I explained a couple years ago.

    Why would they let LB players plunder decrease for get stronger? Believe me once it was pointed out that people were not ug'ing past tier 6 level 1, they switched it fast.
  12. im pretty sure devs openly announced they changed the plunder curve after t6 was released
  13. It was pretty obvious that they changed quite fast for HTE at least as it had direct financial implications. I indeed suspect that no eb has a bell shaped curve anymore. I remember discussing those plunder curves with UPC long time ago...

    Today's plunder drops seem more like singularities that disappear after further upgrades. I still remember plunder drops from upgrading different tiers but suddenly increasing again once reached a certain cap in the past. Can't explain it logically, tbh.
  14. Why do I not have an LB?
  15. When does the leaderboard update?
  16. midday pdt
  17. They may have announced it but not until they realized people were staying at tier 6 level 1 and not ug'ing
  18. Are you sure? as recently as a couple months ago, around when you started playing, it was around 1am PST
  19. Most things update at midday pdt but the lb used to update at around 8am pdt but I think it changed. I can't be 100% sure on that but I will endeavor to check :)
  20. where are you getting this information? None of this is true