Weekend PvP Blitz #1

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Is it over soon?

  2. Support!! I like purple
  3. Well I guess I had to learn the hard way.. But I'm kinda happy I did.. Now I know that pvp is a complete waste of time and really stupid.. There's almost no way to even get any items if everyone is pinned.. Joining pvp actually hurt the eb side of it.. People pin me and I have nothing left for the eb.. Was a good learning experience but I have a new deep hatred for pvp now.. Enjoy your stupid lame rewards sealers xtal Max losers Build complete farmers.. All these event are made for you the elite the 1% that nobody in the world really cares about... Except the Devs.
  4. Most of the events that are held seem to be in the mindset that all we ever do is play on this tap game. "What??? The players actually have lives or better stuff to do than play on a tap game 24/7???" *mindblow*
  5. go to bl, look for easy targets, write their names down and try 12h later :) there is always some open
  6. I agree- tired of all the big acct bullies in these events. Won't be opting in again
  7. Y'all depress me; always want something for nothing. There were so many hansels that opened up for this event including me. I was a ps with gold out for two days. If you didn't make your goals I'm sorry you were just to lazy to look.

    Personally I thought this was a nice throw back to the old plunder war days so I applaud the devs for their efforts. Rewards are fair given the short duration and minimal effort to reach reward tiers.

    All in all good job and lets do it again soon
  8. Wow - I'm smaller than both the last whiners and hit 10 saddles without trying hard - zaft didn't even have many opt ins I could whap - did I et hit by big guys - yes - did I hit smaller guys - yes - still easy - and if it weren't for work I'd have hit 20 without using an xtal - you guys whining are pathetic.
  9. I'm curious, how often did you have to log into kaw and how much time during this blitz did you spend on kaw?
  10. I didn't do good because everyone is dtw or it says I'm too strong, or I'm getting farmed by much stronger people then me.. It's a lose lose situation unless your a sealer or in the top 50 overall. These events aren't built for everyone to enjoy they are built to keep the rich kids happy.. They are done in a way so that only the sealers can enjoy the good prizes.. Devs don't care about the majority of their players.. All they care about is keeping the ones that spend money happy... Trust me they don't care about most of you if they did then these events would be built for everyone to enjoy but that's not the case at all..
  11. Hit 30 no xtal and came a day late
  12. God - no idea lol - no more or less than normal days - at work when I have a minute to unload - after work Inbetween kids : wife stuff - probably 12 unloads ? Give or take - so nothing crazy - it took 5 minutes to unload find a target finish unloading -
  13. Thank god that's over.. Pvp was the biggest waste of time on here ever.. So stupid.. Never again..

  14. Support
  15.  typical fairy.
  16. Hey dragon quit being a whiny baby, I hit 20 with 30 hours left on the event, getting 30 wasn't worth it because I won't hit 5k on PVE side. Only reason I did pvp was to grab the free 1k fountain rewards. I'm not a huge fan of it, as a 4m sh I was getting hit by 50m tanks and 40m hansels, it's all about who is easy to hit and pays well. Not once have I complained nor will I complain.
  18. Agree here with squishy. I was only at 800 fountains due to breaking my phone etc, but decided I still wanted 2.5k rewards. So, like squishy, with 30 hours left on pvp I opted in and ended up getting 30 saddles. So I made 1.5k fountains in just over a day.
    But I also agree that the 'other rewards' could be so much more creative for pvp. I mean you might as well not even bother giving us that many mith. Could be anything, parts for banners, scrolls, inferno, Aqua, banners, more mith, 5-50% increase in fountain drop spells, tokens to purchase things, etc. If pvp was compared to a meal you gave us a great amount of food for our money but there was no spices or love in it.
  19. I agree with tysond on this. Mith rewards were so low they were just silly. And more creativity in the rewards would be great.

    But I really like the idea that the PVP events gave you fountains to use for the main event. That makes a lot of sense to me.

    Also, I like the use of Bronze Bars, crux chests, seals and xtals as rewards in the main event. I don't think you need to reward equipment for every event you hold if you make these other rewards good enough.