Forum Game: Would You Rather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by QWE_INVOKER_QWE, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. This is a simple forum game where you say what you would rather do.
    It works by the person above you replying to the 2 questions above them then posting another two questions.
    Would you rather eat pizza, or would you rather eat a live snake?
    Sense I would rather eat pizza I would answer I would rather eat pizza
    Then you would post two questions for the next person to answer so I'll start it.

    Would you rather Only be able to eat pizza for the rest of your life ,or would you rather only be able to eat McDonalds for the rest of your life.
  2. Oh no dont ask me to leave...
  3. Pizza

    Would you rather be a catholic priest arrested for getting 'too close' to children or would you rather be a police officer arrested for beating a black person with your night stick ?
  4. Tricky one both seem such attractive options :lol: I think I'll have to go with being a Police Officer at least I won't have to do any jail time.

    Would you rather have your reproductive organs removed and have a relative eat them
    or would you prefer to eat a relatives after removing them with your bare hands .
  5. Would you rather have unlimited hte's or have 15t immediately
  6. You didn't answer the previous question grim
  7. Impartial. Whichever the relative preferred.

    Would you rather strip OP for this weaksauce, oversized, capslocked, threat:
    Or farm OP til reset?
  8. Lol. Farm till reset. Would u rather mirder the devs and maintain the game properly or uninvent the game
  9. Neither.

    Would you rather derail the thread and have it locked for derailment, or just let the thread die of natural causes?
  10. Neither. I'd work with them for actual improvements instead of useless death threats and constant whining.
    Would you rather read this post or stick a toothpick under your toenail and very aggressively kick a wall?
  11. Nobody did my would you rather :'(
  12. Cause it's lame.
  13. I would rather have unlimited hte because then I'll make way more then 15t

    Would you rather die loved by everyone or live forever hated by everyone?
  14. I would rather not

  15. So you would waste MONTHS (probably longer) hitting unlimited (not FFA, so probably closed) HTE so that you could make a little more than 15T. Unless you NL it and spend money buying xtals and do nothing but hit that HTE for a few weeks.

    I'd rather the 15T. Clear A8/RPL/Possibly IA banks, if possible. Finish my HF unlocks, bank in BB for a rainy day if I have any left.
  16. Denial please leave the thread if you cannot post something without derailing the thread
  17. Would you rather only eat fruits or eat only vegetables for the rest of your life?
    Would you rather be forced to eat all your fingers or all your toes?
  18. Fruit. Neither. Would u rather own the world or be a famous millionaire
  19. Would you rather leave or keep posting on a lame thread