I made 1,234,627,682 plunder. WR2 on RH roster made 1,211,578,713 plunder. I assume you didn't do too well in math. Judging by your near illegible grammar, I'd say you didn't do too well in school at all.
Yes RH won with exploit roster. How does RH beating us somehow disprove that? You casted 3 lb and 8 ssh (exploit roster). You went up against normal SH (not SSH) some who were not well equipped & were random people from world chat. You won against the odds (sort of). Congrats on the 1 win. You can ignore all of the variables that lead to the win if you like. Doesn't really matter to me it was 1 war & it was over a year ago. If you stopped biasly looking at it & applied logic you would understand a few things: Some of my roster could not really even hit your roster. I cannot control what other players on my roster do as they are just random people from world chat. I myself was 2nd highest plunder out of my own roster & RH roster. I myself performed well. 2 on my roster had no mith/inactive at start. 4 Didn't xtal. Though we would have had the advantage with an adept team that played together alot, were active, xtalled, followed strat, etc, you actually wound up having the advantage.
There is no problem needing to be solved. All indi wars eliminates all exploit rosters. End of discussion. Make the season all indi as the majority have requested & lock the thread.
How about this....find another clan that has warred as much as a core group. That has lost as much as us- BUT never deviated to the easy roster. Never took advantage. Find another few clans that has as much of a rich war history with the same people. We play fair, we don't want an easy win. We lose. But when we win- we deserve it. The community owns this problem. And the solution lies in us. STOP doing it Sylv, RR, Dev....
You won't find many clans that have warred as much as us with a core group. We know wars. Have seen the game change loads. Check achievements. Most have 3-5 year. We don't speak often, but when we do- listen.
You already explained how warclan wins. Its about full activity. Committed to war. if everyone know how to set their alarm clock, have an xtal. You said because you got inactive and someone didnt xtal on your side. That tells the story of other losing warclan. its not just about roster. we got many close war too but we only won because of right xtal call.
No. No one needs to listen to you simply because you have played longer. That doesn't make you better in any way shape or form. You are not entitled to any of the elitist crap that you believe you are. Anyone who puts in the work, does the research, and experiences enough wars can know just as much as you do about warring with much less time played. Yup all of that can lead to a very successful war clan but so long as you run exploit rosters you are still nothing more then a glorified cheater. Additionally, as long as you refuse to see the devastating affect that these exploit rosters have had on KaW, you remain an ignorant glorified cheater.
Are you kidding me? It's not about age in game. It's experience. And for that reason alone- shut up. I'm fair, balanced and open to conversation. You want drama? Go back to high school. I'm speaking for the greater good here, and not often. If you have something legit to say- I welcome it. Stop going on about past. This thread is about season 5.
The problem is that loyal clans that stick together as friends and play to have fun, do not make the Devs money anymore. Money is made by lemmings that pay to change build, buy seals to impress a new clan and pure volume of wannabe winners. Play-for-Fun is dead And those junkies left will either burn out or fade away.
Hey earth to moron. Your "ex" clan members are both the ones who brought up the past & the ones who keep going on about it. I'm simply responding to their mindless dribble. You are the one who brought up "age in game" as well. Take your own advice and shut up.
Why go to both extremes? Can't you incorporate both indi and some round wars? Is it possible to run both styles concurrently? If so then why not have both wars running all the time? One thing I would try to deal with is the cheating especially at the lower tiers. I was warring a small alt but could not stand it anymore due to the rampant cheating, collusion and inactivity in many of the lower tiers.
its not cheating. its a strategy. whats the diff between all sh roster,all ps roster, lb sh roster? lb sh vs lb sh roster? if all ps roster won someone will say they are cheating. nope they are not cheating. its the result of researched and sorting out what build fits your strategy and the build of your mates. if you got tank roster then you ask them to plunder and sko that will explain the difference. i saw a wc got all sh roster vs lb sh roster but wc used all spies first to take control then the type of war is advantage. the result is they didnt win.