Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Yeah. Right. Maybe has too much stuff on it
  2. Not even close...Also banned 4 being a helper
  3. Yes it's fixed :D
    That black magic is annoying :(
    At least I got to use my favorite color :D

    Also: BANNED for being always the player above me who makes me think of another way to ban other than being lost for a variety.
  4. Banned 4 using that red color..
  5. BANNED for not using red
  6. banned 4 being my dogs chew toy :p
  7. Banned for insinuating that this rubber ducky is owned and gnawed on by you're dog.
  8. Banned for spelling Zombie as Zombi

    For being namist (is that even a thing?)
  10. (Biest is what it's called.)

    Banned for making up words.
  11. ULTRA BANNED!!!!!!!!!

  12. Banned for not being a RedPhantom
  13. Banned for being the fourth rubber ducky in the forums
  14. Banned for not accepting my friend request...
  15. Edited:
    BANNED for lying to me
  16. Banned 4 being a dev wanna be with that red color :lol:
  17. Banned for thinking that I'm a wanna be but Im actually angry of devs taking my fav color :(
    Oh well, I can't do anything about that.....
  18. hey look its u again... banned :lol:
  19. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Banned 4 not banning me :p