Sorry for not respnding earlier..But I enjoyed reading ur reply abiyt the banks ques. I had.. & Also everyone else who answered..Tyvm I Mean it
Always favor new buildings to upgrades if the land prices aren't exorbitant. They will add a lot more additional plunder. Keep pushing HF to unlock Abyss.
can anyone here answer questions or just op? if someone other than op answers this can i trust that it is correct?
Anyone might try to answer your question. This thread was created to centralize kaw related questions thereby avoiding unnecessary new threads. Usually, wrong answers are corrected quite fast by the forum community, so that you'll end up with a decent answer sooner or later. Quite a lot of questions have no right or wrong answer though
It may be repetitive to you because you have not bothered to venture outside of EBs to understand what I'm talking about
is there yet another eb series coming out? or another lure of the hive type crap promo? reason im asking is there is an eb time pic with ??? for a name and a new pic on the eb lb page
Nicely spotted I actually hope it is another lure of the hive event that isn't pay to win. If it isn't that I hope it's a new eb aimed at smaller to lower mid players that will provide some help in order to get them closer to the scrag eb stage.
It looks like that epic battle is in the Wrath of the Sveruganti series. So it's probably not a new promo, but a new eb for the biggest players in the game.
New promo ebs would be under their own eb series rather than part of an existing one, so it's more likely a continuation of the series.
Why is it that when I upgrade my elven temple my plunder drops? Can someone explain the mechanics behind this?