A discussion on forums

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pie, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Lord Jammal has a good point. I also noticed some short threads that were actually very good questions that need long explanations or discussions have done quite well and were not locked. If the op was actually active he would have seen these threads. I remember a recent one were someone asked what was the best build and then followed up with how do I get a starter build. Those threads were very good but had a very short op
  3. Lmao. It's comments that tell me that I 'don't even play kaw' that result in me asking people to leave my thread. Not people disagreeing with me
  4. And you have just given an example of a comment that results in me asking people to leave my threads. It was a personal attack rather than a comment relevant to the op
  5. You don't play KAW

    Your op sucks

    Short threads don't always get locked

  6. And there you go. Leave my thread :)
  7. I posted this forum a lot in my time. Spent a long time here. I have moved on to other places and other forums since, and not one has ever locked for low effort. You can have a one sentence suggestion pretty easily, and it can be good.

    Mind you these forums also have a lot less kids, so the quality is just better in general. Why not lock threads for being bad and give suggestions on where to improve instead of just "low effort /lock."

    Also I ******* hate the picture requirement for threads in this forum. Get your stupid memes and annoying pictures out.
  8. DirtyLarry is a hypocrite as he was last time I was here...

    And **** the "support" "no support" ****. No other forum I have seen does that. It's annoying low effort waste of space that adds nothing. That's the stuff that the mods targeting low effort should be removing.

  9. How am I a hypocrite? I actually play KAW?
  11. I believe he's talking about when you said that I spam
  12. Wow this thread by burger noob is very informative,funny,and smart -no one ever
  13. It's not supposed to be funny or smart, you tit.

    Leave ️
  14. Spam? Oh you mean when I made a thread just to say "hi" last week because I thought people cared that I was back?

    You should be happy I'm no supporting things. If I were a mod it would come with a lock.
  15. Your posts are mostly post count farming
  16. So....

    We are really discussing the mods interpretation of "lack of effort".

    Sure there are some threads that probably could of done well without the need of a long post. But we wouldn't even have this issue if so many forumers weren'tmaking so many spammy garbage threads.

    Eh, whatever..
  17. And leave again ️
  18. Tom burger pie thinks he's something. Nobody cares go away and mods should lock
  19. Yep. You can leave too :)
  20. What? No. Larry thinks short threads should go in the question thread because I guess short threads don't deserve to be posted or something because they don't have any effort etc as per the reasons that mods usually lock them.

    Meanwhile he spams "no support" and is a colossal asshole to anyone he disagrees with. No support is just typical low effort **** posting. No one needs it, it contributes nothing. And he loves to say it, then comes here and says low effort threads should continue to be locked.