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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Omg this game has changed since I was last on. I have no idea what fountains are what happened to the sluards ? Who are the mods now? What is going on did the debs kill kaw like they did fc 
  2. Fountains are for the event, think the sluards are gone, don't know when you were last on, so don't know who the mods were back then. And finally, Yes.
  3. Any know which eb drops the most of each item for Farmers 2? Eg/ night, Sky, desert, fire?
    Haunt - Best night item drop
    For - Best fire item drop
    And so on.
    Or are they completely random?

  4. Bigger the Eb bigger the drop. There is also a thread explaining which ebs drop what items
  5. Found it cheers bloom
  6. Why does Raptor-Jesus hate midgets?
  7. They scare him.

    Hell, they scare everyone!
  8. What did Inferno, aka Broken change his name to now? He's "mysteriously" disappeared... :eek:
  9. When will I enjoy this game?
  10. New name is thing2
  11. Who has the longest reign as #1 on lb?
  12. I believe chongo_hombre had the longest, if not Majesty
  13. whats a bank? and what is the best build for a bank?
  14. I reckon maj
  15. I've been told that once you get 25 lands with forges/guilds you should skip t3 and go straight to t4 buildings. If that's true, should you max level the t4 buildings one at a time or just build level 1 t4 on all lands first?
  16. Replace one by one filling all lands first.
  17. Can anyone ranked between 9k and 10k on the battles LB please wall me
  18. whats a bank? and what is the best build for a bank?
  19. Tank?