Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for been lost
  2. banned 4 starting a new page
  3. Banned for being the second person in a new page
  4. Banned for having 69 in the name
  5. Banned for messing up my earlier post
  6. Banned for not messing up my post
  7. Banned for banning me
  8. Banned for the yolo factor.
  9. Banned for not having zombie right
  10. Banned for being like the twentieth person to say that to me this month.
  11. Banned for having 184 posts
  12. banned 4 being reborn
  13. Banned for 169 cases of being lost
  14. Banned for banning him for being lost for the umpteenth time
  15. Banned 4 being a killer
  16. Banned for calling someone a killer
  17. Banned 4 quoting me
  18. Banned for having sixty nine in your name.
  19. Also banned 4 quoting me as well
  20. Banned for banning too many players