Meeting 1: Agenda

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LovelyDenial, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. I'm not an alt (o.o )
    Though I have visited her clan a couple of times. Prolly doesn't help my cause lol
  2. Go ahead and celebrate being straight. I'm celebrating happiness.
  3. I'm not allowed to be straight and happy? What's so different about being straight and gay? I thought you were celebrating equality.
  4. Not me. I'm celebrating happiness. I just said you could celebrate being straight. No rain here.
  5. Happiness for what? The happiness for equality, right? Since I doubt you randomly go onto threads where people would be celebrating happiness for something and just randomly celebrate a different unannounced happiness.
  6. I want a white, straight, works their ass off to support kids who dont appreciate them, under paid day..... where is that day?
  7. I'm happy for all the people that can marry and be in love. Gay, straight, black, white. Everyone. That's equality.
  8. Mothers/Fathers day?
  9. It's stupid when people say there should be straight parades if there are pride parades. Straight people never struggled with oppression and hate from others, y'all don't need a parade for anything lol.
  10. Do you need to re-read what he wrote?
  11. So gays need a parade for what exactly? And straights have never struggled with the oppression that gays did? I see straight people being murdered and killed all around the world on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, I saw a really sad story this morning about a 5 year old straight girl who was found in a plastic bag on an island in Boston Harbor. Too tragic.
  12. A day to celebrate straight white people who are underpaid. Think about how that sounds.
  13. I don't see a difference.
    White. Mothers and fathers can be white.
    Straight. They could be straight as well.
    Works. Mothers and fathers CAN work.
    With kids. Mothers and fathers can have kids.
    Under appreciated. Aren't we all?
    Under paid. ^

    Mothers and Father's Day everyone
  14. Yeah, and I'm sure that was because she was straight? People suffer everyday, that doesn't mean it's because they're straight.
  15. How do you know? How can you be so positive that it's not the underlying cause of so much hate?
  16. “Under the Constitution, same-sex couples seek in marriage the same legal treatment as opposite-sex couples, and it would disparage their choices and diminish their personhood to deny them this right,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. He was joined in the ruling by the court’s liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

    Ok that's part of the courts ruling. It's not saying religious groups have to marry same sex marriages in their religious buildings just the same sex marriages have the same legal standing in all 50 states.
    It's a significant and important difference this shouldn't impact on a person's religious freedoms.
    It's about legal protections spousal rights fostering and adoption.
    It makes marriage one rule for everyone not some rules for some and no rules for others equal rights and protections under the law for all couples who choose to marry.
  17. I never said straights can't be proud to be straight. Just that we as a LGBT community have won a battle that we fought hard for, so we should be allowed to celebrate said victory.

    Be straight and celebrate it. I don't care. But don't you dare try to lessen our celebration.
  18. The Lake of Fire awaits. Hell is real. Repent, be purged from your sin, and save your soul.

  19. Congrats guys gals and guygals... You all deserve to be just as depressed and unhappy as the rest of us..

    Seriously though, congratulations