An Update on Season 5 + Wars!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 25, 2015.

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  1. Dear devs.

    I have re-read your proposal thoroughly and felt that many areas are not well-thought out and neither is it favorable. Therefore, here to point out the points which I felt should change or further improvise. It's a compiled list of problems which I have gathered from others and myself included.

    Problem 1: You're saying that "War Company is to have a maximum of 30 people and War Squad is 20-25. If at least 20 people do not cast for war, the team forfeits. Clans that forfeit more than 1 game are banned from rest of Season. Season Skirmishes are scheduled Randomly in a random time zone"
    Analysis: Nicely put, you separate out the points in the paragraphs and hope that people didn't really notice it, unfortunately I did. So what you're saying is that every war ALL the companies must war, with just 1 war they can sit it out. And with season skirmish, we are NOT able to plan roster in advance 'cos it's random timing. You expect 20 out of 30 people to force themselves to cast? This is gonna burn everyone out, devs. We'll be warring without our full potential too if it's a midnight war for us.
    Suggested solution:
    - Raise the War Company to 50 pax max, give us some leeway to choose who to cast for unfavorable timings.
    - Remove the "banned if forfeit more than once" thing, wars should be volunteered not forced, if insist on forfeit, at least give a chance, make it 3 forfeits.

    Problem 2: Wars are 2 Hours in duration
    Analysis: If you're going to make it a "surprise skirmish" in the first place, we have NO choice but to war. Wars being 2 hours? With 1 hour prep? It's gonna take up to 3hours of our time. In your whole post you have not stated whether if this playoffs are purely at just weekends or weekdays or both. If it's a weekday, everyone has work/school/routines, we're not lazy bums at home waiting to war, it's gonna be a problem if it falls at our work times or at weekdays midnights
    Suggested solution:
    - Make the war 1 hour. Most favorable for most of us.
    - If you're gonna keep it to 2hours, make s5 only during weekends, where everyone can commit. Best output. You'll have more clans participating. Win-win situation.
    - If you can make it 1 hour and only during weekends, assure you you'll have max participation. Weekdays can be a pain in the ass imagining having to take 2hours of work/school time out. Worse of all, we don't even know what time to schedule.

    Problem 3: Players must play in at least 1 round (and performed a minimum # of actions) in the Finals to receive rewards. Single winning clan
    Analysis: Out of the whole proposal nothing about rewards for others is mentioned. Are you gonna tell me there is only 1 clan after all the time wasted that will get rewards? So others war for nothing? In addition if finals they do not produce a minimum productivity they won't get anything as well? What's the point? Even 2012 Summer Wars there are rewards for quarterfinals/semifinals. And reason why it's called summer war and not season. Pls do not call it a season5 if the rewards are gonna be exclusive, past seasons rewards individuals based on efforts, not just 1 team.
    Suggested solution:
    - Make it individual rewarding. Make sure all who participate get a minimum based reward. And kindly rethink about the reward portion. Shape it similar or better than past seasons, NOT worse.

    Problem 4: Rounds will be Round War format, 2 Hours Long, with 2 Regens allowed
    Analysis: What does that even mean? 2 regen allowed and we get forced out like Classic? Or 2 regen allowed and we get to choose to come out like Advantage? Or 2 regen allowed and we are out of pin, like the Old School War style? You didn't even state any war types. And round war format, that is good idea, but will Individual Wars(IW) be happening at the same time for others to extend EE or no IW at all during season? Nothing is mentioned. And if people cannot get a clan to war are you saying no IW will happen, they will have no chance to participate in season? Have you also consider people who aren't participating in season how are they gonna extend EE? You might as well make IW part of seasons, both rounds and IW will solve the flexibility issue as well as extend EE issue.
    Suggested solution:
    - Think out the war format what it's gonna be.
    - Make this round war skirmish a COMPONENT of the whole season, NOT the whole season itself. What I mean is, make IW another component for advancing in season as well. So that we will have both rounds and IW to earn tokens/rancor whatever it is.
    - Comprising both rounds and IW in the season itself will ensure fairness and also provide more alternatives and flexibility.
    - Adding in IW will also reduce problem people complain about LB and whatnots, because they have another alternative to do - which is IW.

    Problem 5: Every roster (not team) will have a max combined stats including BFA and BFE. Players will have to manage their own rosters. If a player would put the War Squad over the Max CS the they will not be able to sign up. A War Company must therefore be composed in such a way as to not exceed the Max CS while still allowing for 20 to 25 players to War.
    Analysis: If you putting a cap to CS, why the cap to BFA and BFE? Do you think anyone can really find a perfect CS to fit, in addition to perfect BFA to fit, and then again perfect BFE to fit? With a measly 30pax with no war timing known? How do we even plan things? Another issue, what if your BFA cap is lesser than any of the top10 allies LB, are you saying the max cap more than their total BFA meant that they cant even take part in s5? And then again, let's say total BFA exceed by say, 10m CS, are we gonna have to drop 10m bfa just to war? MOREOVER, how in the world are we gonna count total war squad bfa, get a list of 30 people BFA so that we can mix and match perfect roster? Get 30 people to inform once ANY ally sold, so that we will be updated of the BFA total???? Please devs, it's just a freaking war.
    Suggested solution:
    - Just a max CS is enough. Max CS + Max BFA + Max BFE isn't gonna work. It's too tedious. Please refer to above about the allies sale portion and the BFA cap problem.

    TL;DR? Summary: Raise the War Company to 50 pax max. Make it 3 forfeits. Make it 1h wars. Make it weekends wars. Make it individual rewarding. Have a combination of rounds AND IW in the season itself not just rounds. Decide the war format. Remove BFA cap or even BFE cap cos it makes no sense as explained above.

    Appreciate serious consideration over the 5 points. Thank you. :)
  2. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    So do only the finalists get the full eq?
  3. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    The last season wasn't even bad. In fact it was pretty fun. Just remove round primals and make it all indis
  4. When are people going to think for two seconds and realize there's not enough people able to war for 50 man companies.

    If for some holy miracle they actually did end up with 16 clans that would be 900 people. I doubt they had close to 900 people participate more than just a couple wars last year and that was with indies where anyone could participate.

    Then say you do end up 50 man companies. That's half the entire company or more that's locked in and won't be able to war if not on their roster. And let's be honest there's going to be 20ish people that the WC chooses to be on the roster for each war. Half the people will barely get to participate the entire season.

    This whole thing is a steaming pile catering to a few lb accounts that want new equipment. Like I said just give it to them, throw away this garbage idea, slap the taste out of the mouth whoever came up with it and bring back season 4 set up without round wars. Boom, simple, everyone wins.
  5. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    If I read it correct only the active ppl in wining clan gets equip so stateless alts get zero lb gets all 
  6. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Wow Florence, nice well thought out points!!!! And I agree with them as well. They should hire you as a consultant.
    Now the biggest question is

    will they listen????"
  7. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    They'll have to listen or else there is going to be a very low number of people participating. The ideas are dreadful
  8. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    If yall would have me I would be interested in participating in the beta test :)
  9. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Nobody works on weekends? What country is that in?
  10. Florence love your input. Very nice and elaborate. Much better then seeing whining
  11. No kidding, Omar. I'd love to move to that country and have all weekends off.
  12. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    So let me get this correct to war in s5 I will need to organise my life round war times. Ridiculous devs what about players in different time zones. Instead of giving us a season your are over complicating things and guess many will need to alter builds for the return of prewars. Can you find a war system that's convenient and will allow everyone to compete.
  13. 30 man rosters are too small we need to pick from 50 that way more people participate and better matches. Also the needs to be a min cs somewhere like 6mil cs to eliminate exploit builds
  14. Remember, in demand for season 5 - this entire thread is a PROPOSAL.

    It is meant to discuss a potential season 5 and what the devs have in mind.
    Few things to consider:

    1. There's a possibility to have an entire second tournament bracket for small builds, if enough clans sign up. Therefore, there's a potential for more then one team of winners.

    2. If the new pots from last summer are re-released now, meant exclusively for mids and above, it may nerf SH entirely, since SH will no longer have the capability to succeed mids in a open hit restriction environment. Issue here is to restrict these pots somehow to mids only.

    3. War times
    This is a tricky one Frog, as devs are aware many from Asian timezones suffer during these wars. The hope here is to be fair in selecting wars, but it's difficult since many of us need to prepare in advance to free up the timeslot to play due to commitments etc.

    Again, this is not the final proposal - still much left to formulate. :eek:
  15. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Does this mean Indy wars for s5 are eliminated ? TL:DR 63 pages of posts to look for answer
  16. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    As it stands at the present, season 5 will have only round wars.
  17. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    That's unfortunate for the many players whose only way to participate in the season were Indy wars, including myself.
  18. Do you not read or are you just blind? 50 man companies is the MAXIMUM the clan holds, war squad is still 20-25.

    Do you even understand dev post? Pls understand dev post before you make a fool of yourself complaining.

    50 man was exactly what I just posted.

    Thanks Hawk. I hope so :(

    Thank you Prime. :) I hope they really do read what we post. They asked for feedback, we gave. It's time they actually consider it.
  19. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Devs, there are so many bad points to this S5 proposal that it is absurd. Even one of them like random times ( deal with it) will kill any chance of this season working.

    My best advice to you devs are hire some players who actually play this game and ask them to make a workable solution. Pay these players for their time with seals so it will benefit themselves and their clan while costing you very little.

    Please reread the previous war feedback threads, since there are a ton of ideas in them, and find the gems in these.

    Take your hired game experts and have them create a solution. I will guarantee they would come up with a better well thought out solution than what is posted in this thread.

    Good luck
  20. Uh, do you read? The companies are what you're locked into and is the problem. You want 50 people locked into a company that can't leave and go war somewhere else. Genius, I tell you, genius!
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