Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Indi Wars were designed to make warring more inclusive and introduce more people to EE wars. They do not have a place in season because season wars are about the best warriors using everything they have (hence why it is round wars so all can use bfe/bfa) to beat out all the other clans and end on top. Seasons 1, 2 and 3 reflected this. Much like how small town teams do not belong in the NFL, indi warriors (oh yes all of you with your 60% inactivity rate and 80% non xtalling rate*) do not belong in season warriors. And yes I'm a SH and no I did not drop for this. I was a SH before it was cool and have stuck it out as one long since after it stopped being cool. Not because I want to exploit wars, but for 3 reasons: 1. Becoming LCBC is an unattainable goal for me personally, I don't have the time nor the resources to achieve it. 2. I enjoy warring as a SH - no one I have met in indi has complained about my build, and I enjoy indi more than I have enjoyed off-season round wars 3. I like being a strong small, if I grow I become a weak big. So makes sense to me to stay small. I again reiterate that season wars are aimed at clans who are friends and tight-knit, strong warriors who know what it takes to win, not the average kawer. A lot more work goes in to setting up an effective clan war strategy than the pot-luck of indi wars. Primals do not fit the purpose of season wars because they do not allow use of hard-earned equipment that many gained purely for use in EE wars and expensive bfa - it's a hella lot more expensive to grow bfa than to grow stats. After season 5, I would hope that it would return to a mix of primal, indi and round as it is a good mixture for practicing but not for a competitive "e-sport" event. Good idea. Could keep indi wars and just not include as part of season. Or make it a sub-par version of season for the noobs and clanless warriors, but keep the good stuff for those who war strongly as a clan. - Tom *yes I pulled those % out of thin air but y'all know what I mean lol. And don't tell me to grow I to a bigger bracket to avoid, I have alts there and it's just as bad.
First off ty for an update on S5. When u made Primals was it not to eventually kill off sH/ssh/lb combo and Round wars? Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. So u can c why several of us (u know the few who still love EE) r quite perplexed by your Round war S5 proposal. Round robin format...I like (if u get enough clans which brings this point) Fixed teams of up to 30ppl with War squads of 20-25...? Was 15 or even 11's not working? Do u really expect to have 16 or more teams of 20-30ppl? Max cs cap...yes,excellent as long as its NOT Round wars. 2 hour wars with Season skirmishes in a random time zone...r u trying to alienate the remaining dedicated warriors left? What data have u been combing over for the last few years to come to this decision? Station laid out a war system for u, swallow your pride and concede u don't know how to properly fix this. Increased war rewards...yes long overdue. If S5 is all about clan wars cool, but at least keep iwars open for others to partake in. Clans will b banned for ff or not warring each other...about time, as long as its not because most of the war squad is sleeping or busy with RL (c your random war times comment) Pls incorporate: 1 hour wars 11-15-20 ppl war squads with 30-40 war companies Keep iwars regardless of season or not Cs tiers or add a cs calculator feature for our hard working wc's and planners Make rewards WORTH IT!! The last few promos have equipment that r on par or better stat wise (and look very familiar to S4 equip) to hard earned previous season equip. U have our attention, I just hope we have yours.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! You just said lcbc is impossible then said bfa is much more expensive Tom. And when they say primal doesn't take tight warriors you know seasons out the picture :/
2hr war's seem a bit long,I do like the idea of 2hr war's in the finals though either way I'll be looking forward to S5
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Bfa is more expensive stat/price. LCBC takes far more good than it takes to build good bfa
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! So then if they made bfa pay more / same as normal stats you wouldn't mind?
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Not at all, as my attack stats would still be static and those of those in my regular warring range would not.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Then bfa should pay double/triple of normal stats since it is static. I'll play that season.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! That's stupid lol. Penalising people because they chose to grow bfa? That's alienating some of the biggest players in kaw as well as some of the smallest. Good thing they will never be foolish enough to listen to that.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Thanks for trying Devs. 5 stars for that. On first thought few suggestions 1- why have a restriction on team size ?? There are not many people who can be active in clans for all wars. Keep that team thing open let clans merc people or if they are full rosetered let rest of Warriors merc out. So in short don't do that squad thingy. 2- keep the wars at 1hour time. Lot Easier to put 1 hour aside compared to 2 hours. Lot more people can do 1 hour. With 2 hours war will hardly be able to do couple wars in a week. Can't have 3-4 hours put aside per war( pre war prep and everything needs at least 1:30 -2 hours). 3. Why not do clan wars and indi wars side by side?? That way people who can't do clan wars or if clan roster is full can do indi war. Will think more and try to give feedback. But thanks a lot For trying️
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! How does making someone pay 3x as much as someone with equal strength level the playing field? Tilts it in the opposite direction more like.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Having stats roll up to the same number when yours is 95% static is nowhere near the same thing as being equal strength. I'm effective for attacks when my bar is full. An ssh with 100T in BFA is effective from pin. This is an extreme example to make a point but it holds on a smaller scale too.
I don't think the devs are bright enough to be that funny. All their comedy is unintentional. Like someone falling on their face.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! And the drawbacks of our choice to grow bfa already include making crappy eb plunder, not being able to get in to clans to do the biggest and best ebs, etc. No need to penalise us further. Our build is ONLY good for EE. Every other part of kaw it sucks for. Lol.
Biggest and best ebs? That excuse went out the window with hte. I don't see anyone crying about not being able to do the Dragon ebs with their junk equipment and trash drop rate.