Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! The main problem is that you will need so many people willing to war regularly. Let's assume war company size gets raised to 50 people. Now you're gonna need at least 20 war companies which is 1000 people regularly warring in the season. You don't even have that many people doing indi wars and participation for this will be far lower
So we must be in the clan and basically once season starts only war from that clan? Can we, make a clan to war out of and then go back to home clan? From what I'm reading, it seems that we can not do the things I asked..This also makes ADT either eradicated or everyone must drop build and be a small attack with high towers to make the cs requirement...being towers give such huge increase in cs.
Don't know how this gona work with round wars & 2hrs is bit long but looks to by interesting.. looking forward S5
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! I am guessing you might have been dropped on the head a few times as a baby.
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! 2 hrs wars no thanks And round wars ...aka sh wars...the wArs that nobody signs up for now because they are the worst exploit war out is the devs clearly trying to end season wars once and for all....this is prob the worst idea they could have come up with lol
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! We all see what's goin on...devs have alienated 99% of kaw - lookin at all the war formats: round, primal and indi. They decided to go with the least popular format...round. Round is full of exploit - there is no way you can take the exploit out of rounds. Every suggestion to improve rounds have been ignored. - not everyone can war all in. Not everyone has time to war 2 hrs + the 1 hr prep b4 war starts. Season 4 was good because the wars lasted 1 hr and there were ppl that couldn't war til half way thru the season yet they did ok and got some prizes. Tons of ppl dun have the time commitments to war in a "all in" style. - tons of ppl with great builds (huge sdt and adt) had to beg to get a spot in a decent war clan durin s4. If these spots r locked up...they have nowhere to go. These ppl have stated that's why they prefer indi - they don't have to beg for a spot - kaw is full of mids and bigs without bfa. They are now unwanted builds in war. So who is s5 for - ppl with tons of time on their hands - ppl who are sh or lbs - ppl already in an established war clan that has a big pool of lbs to pick from - the 1% of kaw ...........
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Idk is it possible the Beta Test or preseason might allay many of our Q's n curiosities?
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Keep guessin... Odds r u will fluke out n be correct one day. Stay the course
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! I'm out! It's very clear how rosters are going to look... And no indi wars... You want a you and t of 16 teams?? Good luck with that.. Today you had 1 war for primal.
To be fair you probably wouldn't know if you were dropped on your head as a baby. Not like your parents are gonna be like damn son we were some clumsy goofs as parents and dropped you on your dome a dozen or so times. Btw someone clear me.
Greengiant has a point. I would like to offer an alternative to everyone paying the same... Make a minimum attack and a minimum steal. For example: your minimum would increase as your CS goes up. Hence my minimum could be 100 million (I get 320+ for those my size). This would have those LB/ssh clans lacking in plunder advantage and actually encourage players move past that war set-up. Just a thought
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Bizarro idea is good but could probably still be exploited by the exploiters. Should make everyone pay the same. Then all about skill
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! Not sure if its said before or not(havent read 40 pages) but if u forfeit 1 war,ui r out for the season? War Company of 30 is locked and 20-25 of them to sign up for a war, if not war is forfeited! Due to different TZ, its not likely to have 20-25 sign up out of 30!!!
Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars! All This + No Individual Wars ? I was dependent on indi wars for the season since my build wont suit any war clan but still i am very content with it.. Also i cant afford to drop 2 xtals a war.. When you are in a good clan I am sure they'll want you to max xtal every war.. Please Fix