The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Thanks! That's definitely very helpful!
  2. Thanks, Lift this thread Up. :)
  3. I hadn't thought of voices :p
    I think personality (and describing) are the best thing to tell their voices in my case since my characters are from another world etc. :p
    thanks for answering his question I learn a new thing about writing :)
  4. Voices are hard. When you get beyond establishing a accent, it's all on the reader. Reinforcing the accent or mannerism of the characters speech subtly in the discription of the dialogue works good. Just don't over do it.

    When books turn to movies the characters never look or sound the way I pictured them. Leaving room for imagination is what makes reading so much better IMO.

    I had stopped watching TV at one time because every character was sounding like the generic TV accent in my interpretations.
  5. The angry thing is when a director make a movie for your book that's the time your planned voice is gone :(
    And those efforts are gone because they have American accents etc....
    That's why I kept using elipses and commas as a pause :p
  6. Hollywood blows like that. Good luck! : ))
  7. Not me of course :p
    I want to be a director when I grew up :p
  8. I loathe and detest good books being badly done into a movie. I understand creative license, I can get that in earlier years special effects couldnt match a good authors descriptive prose. However I still believe that if a book is to be made into a movie, then try to be as faithful to it as possible.

    Its a pet peeve of mine.

    @Alaissa, good luck with your career plan. I am not hating on movies ofc, just specifically talking about book adaptions,
  9. I want to be a director than a writer because I am greater in imagining than describing :p
    I don't want the real life one, just the animation one. At least that way I can show to people what I want to show them :p
  10. Is it proper story-posting etiquette to make a separate "feedback" thread? I noticed that being done for stories a few pages back, and it definitely seems like a good format.

    Also, anyone playing the piano version of This is Gospel on repeat? :p
  11. Having a feedback thread helps to keep the actual story thread tidy and easier to read. Who wants to see some random comment between chapters? :p
  12. Shoot me now
  13. I left for a year, came back. Can't believe The Writer's Café is still going. I remember when this thread was first created. Nice.
  14. #MoreCasualBump
  15. #wecanallseeyouhave3postsonforumsandhaveonly"played"for3yearsbudbetterlucknexttime
  16. Lol nice
  17. 3 years played and this was created 5 years ago
  18. so what happened did you come up with a name for characters ? Did you publish? Am I going to have to read whole thread to find out?
  19. I'm not the best for explaining.
    So I'm not for writing novels :/

    Maybe I'll do my invented stories in animations instead : D
    And try arts too :)