Building discussion for Primal wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kyle2006, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. I am not doing primal wars often, but I can see most tanks like to go hybrid building for primal wars.
    That’s misunderstanding for ppls why they go hybrid to make sure they can plunder hansels (PS1).
    Since season 2, there were some nice hansels with heavy adt (plus their awesome bfe) that give them can tank troops in war and when their zero spies and tank troops, attk buildings cant plunder them. That’s why we need hybrids to plunder the tanking hansels.
    Primal wars are total different, those big PS1 never can tank troops and zero their spies in war, most time they dtw to troop action is because they zero their troops fastly, not tanking troops and zero spies. So it is no different for attk building or hybrid to plunder a PS1
    At the other side, if you are a hybrid building, you never cant stop a PS1 to steal you, but if you are an attk, and dump troops + stay spies (need heavy towers) and bank golds, then none of PS1 can steal you.
    So, I think it’s time for those big tanks to think about to go attk building instead of hybrid for primal wars.
    I suggest 2 new buildings for big tanks to consider for their primal wars:
    1.) 39 troops buildings (on HF/AB lands) + 13 spies buildings (on low lands), the rest lands will built troop towers and spy towers; you might drop 1 spy build to go attk or keep 13 to go hybrid
    2.) 40 troops buildings (on high/low lands) + 13 spies buildings (on ab lands), the rest land will built troop towers and spy towers; you might drop 1 low land troop building to go hybrid if needed. This build can let you dump troops fastly and tank spies to assa/steal those weak sdt warriors

    Both buildings will give you about 20m-30m adt and 20-30m sdt or more if you want to be a beast in primal war.

    PS.: sorry English is not my 1st language, I hope ppls can understand what I am talking about.
  2. I was going to mock you but that's pretty solid if English isn't your first language. Better than I write in any other language.
  3. Ok so who is the attack build going to dump troops on?
  4. But you are an sh, so how would you know?
  5. You know hybrids can dump troops on hansels then zero gold
  6. I'm hybrid right now and this is a discussion I'm looking forward to. There are still a few mixed builds for hybrids to plunder.
  7. There is hardly any att builds in primal and if u do get them you have to make sure u can plunder the opp attack. This is a big risk as if u arent then u basically waste ur build cause u cant tank and make plunder. Remember a full dump means less plundee each hit in primal so rosters dont really suit attack builds
  8. I do not mean you have to dump troops and stay spies to avoid oppon PS1 to steal you.
    Different roster will have different strategy.
    But at least attk building give you one more choice that you can avoid oppon PS1 to steal you.
    When you mean a roster like 12 big ps1 plus 3 tanks, you mostly can dump troops fastly to plunder their ps1 and dump the rest of troops to weak their 3 tanks; if u can count oppon PS troops regen, you probobly can plunder them when troops regen or at least dump on their 3 tanks. But this is talking about you have heavy towers.

    And I am sure an attk building can be tank better than an hybrid if the war needs you to tank troops.

    Yup, there are still few hansels that can tank toops in primal wars (stats like 5/15/17/21); but I dont think this building will zero their spies and only tank troops, even they do this, they still hard to plunder an attk if you have decent adt.

    And these buildings allow you to change your building to be attk or to be hybird for primal or indi if needed
  9. 12 hansels just dump troops on big att build whilst u get assn by the hansels after then skimmed by att builds. Very fun war
  10. So far, 12 hansels still dump troops on those hybrids and skim spy to assa them. there is no different between attk or hybrid to plunder those hansels when hansels choose to dump troops at first.
    The different is, some of wars, those 12 hansel make a big plunder jump by their steal actions at the end of war. So, if you are an attk and you can find your way to zero troops and stay with spies, hansels mostly cant make a big plunder jump when they mass xtaling...
  11. Support more atk builds Plz
  12. I personally hate these hansel-heavy wars, which is why I'm doing mostly indie now, I'm hardly ever a steal target for a hansel in indie. They normally assassin to weaken targets and my adt heavy build means I usually avoid being a skim target anyway.
  13. Kyle ur attk build added more spies build lately. Look like ur attk build become tiny attk build like my alt too. My ps1 alt still so tiny. Dont know what build to go for s5
  14. Stick to round wars silly drop build lb
  15. I vote for more att builds too, keeps me safer
  16. Awks how Kyle isn't a drop build and has built up alts with better builds that you
  17. Very good idea, Kyle. Support!

  18. Sorry i dont respect the word of a sh
  19. Such an original comment...
    I'm a SH cause I enjoy warring as a sh. Sure I could grow but I have alts for that, so I keep this account as a fun warring account. Just because I'm a SH doesn't mean my opinions are less valuable than those of others with bigger builds.
  20. Sounds like someone spent some time coming up with this, interesting idea Kyle.