Bounty, 2 trillion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _BuTtNaKeD_-SpAzTeCiAn-_TwInKy, Jun 23, 2015.

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  1. Well said.. I just like breaking people's balls and warring them.. I made a lot of friends out of people I warred against.

    I think it's total bull crap that your name got changed
  2. It was me, thst disgusting name is against my deeply rooted old fashioned Christian views, look at my name for example.

    Can i get the bounty now 
  3. :lol: that does make me wonder, what if the person that did it admits to it? They surely won't get the bounty?

    I'm gonna bet KaW_com/admin admit to it. I'm gonna say admin since his profile is classified -.-
  4. Has anyone been kicked, wronged, or slighted by the clan recently? Best to start there.

    I agree that's total crap. Can't say spank anymore?
  5. Any innuendo is usually gone. They did a purge of names. If anyone knows Grannybanger he is now just GB.
  6. I been silanced for posting innuendo on my own wall so no sympathy here. I find it funny how osw clan and other lomg timers think they cam get away with what people get silanced for all the time in wc.

    I dont agree with it but if your gona impose 9+ yo rules than enforce them equaly across kaw , talking to you mods as well who ignore their "freinds" but silance others for same violation.

    If you changed MSB they need to change Hairy Hidey Hole as well among others. Enforce rules equaly or dont have them
  7. There is someone named Hairy Hidey Hole? :lol:
  8. A clan named that yes.
  9. If spank bank is fine i suppose so would carpet munchers, doggie style, gobblers Knob ...... ect

  10. Would Orbiting Uranus be allowed?
  11. This thread is not about your damn opinions on my clans name.

    Either you got some info to put fort for the collection of this bounty, or you can move along.
  12. I'll take orions bounty since he doesn't want it :D
  13. The bounty reward will not be decided by me. It will be decided by the forum community.
  14. Wait I remember that thread in Orion's SS.. Hell I posted way better than Bongo on that topic.. Why don't u all think I was the snitch!!!?
  15. Ashes,
    Maybe it is that simple. But i found something that i hope will add some extra fun for a few while giving me the info im seaking.

    You know what i mean..
  16. *Nods vigorously
  17. Your not getting the 2 trill that easy.
  18. *Grins like an idiot

  19. Bounty 2tril ?? Why the false advertisement ? You should lose 2tril dropping 2tril doesn't cost you two tril I suggest you drop all 8tril that will cost you closer to the original 2tril, or simply declare yourself to be a big fat phoney.
  20. Scumbag pinned and zero'd
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