Support, been thinking about just trashing my build and going back to hansel so I can say "screw it, im vanilla kaw complete" only way I'll ever build complete now.
good idea, support .... for big it's small value, but for small and middle important part of grow potential and additional plunder
Hell even level 4 castle should AT least be ready by now!4lands should equal 4 levels of castle, pretty simple IMHO.
@Op the real issue is that kaw is some 5years old. This is why many many games have multiple servers. If the gap cannot be closed it begs the question why play ? This is what many are asking and why so many lose Interest. The only realistic yet drastic way to fix such a problem is to have more fresh servers or simply reset the server. I play another game that has some 16 servers and they are often merging and due to this there are no hit restrictions as many are on a even playing field. The difference is that the game I am on about is a close to a f2p game one can realistic get.
@scumbag again First removing everyone's hard work will totally destroy the player base and future intention to pay by anyone. Glad you like another game, so stop just arguing for the sake of it and as you cannot add anything relevant to this thread you can now leave it. If you wish to discuss other topics please do so on your own thread. This thread is here to discuss new lowlands and this far your complaints have been countered everytime. And now you are trying to derail the thread. Let others have their say. @ everyone else. Thank you for the support. This is just one of many ideas presented that will hopefully help us all in the future.
Not sure how to break it to you opt, but new players already get llbc an a dashing plunder spell. Any more a be a rip off if anything add T4 to low lands, a 'All New' leveling system for quests that unlocks 'spy quests' which can be the exact same quests just with the option to attk/assn oan an add more stuff like double regen build tokens seals horns nobs the works /end rant
Spy quests are battle list. Build complete lowland fine and yes I know. But this adds extra plunder full time to everyone new mid or whatever it means that everyone can have an extra 25 lands generating an income that reduce the amount of time it takes to grow between updates. 20% plunder increase for everyone will certainly make it easier to grow long term. So hate to break it to you but this is aimed at helping everyone grow faster. Adding new tiers to current lowlands would not increase plunder to the same level nor would it be advisable adding something that would force players to potentially tear existing buildings down and replace. That just sets players back.
Like I said op The few extra lands ain't going to go jack, it will perhaps give the noob a little ego boost but that's it. Will enable to get a little more Bf'a before he goes inactive. The issue is not solely growth it is the worrying amount of people that quit.i think 3/4 of new accounts are alts tbh that's the truth. The game is almost finished anyway if you can't see this and are still trying to fix mend change a 5year old server I feel sorry for you. It simply cannot be done. This is why games like this server and it's been bled dry for 5 years. Watch and you will think back to this day..radical changes are coming, Free LL/10xstals/wc volley alerts and 100% plunder couldn't even get people to play so a few extra shabby mud huts won't. Be realistic and look at the situation.
Well scumbag of you read back you have been asked to leave the thread so do so. You clearly have nothing positive to add and are coming over as very bitter. No one is forcing you to play kaw. But you are now banned from posting further on this thread.
This idea makes perfect sense to me. The bc players wont notice the boost but us small players will, which in turn will lessen the burden and strain. This idea mixed with the devs plan to lv10 hf and abyss buildings can only be a good step forward imo
Can I ask what's wrong with an ego boost? Giving an impression of progression for smalls/mids is useful for further game play. Newbies are given the LL with no achievement, maybe a set of lands before highland and Hoarfrost could be useful in keeping the game progressing without over powering the leaderboard further...
Thank you moody Silencio I can ask someone to leave for trying to derail the thread and spamming the thread I accept he does not agree like a couple of others. Their choice and entitlement. However I am proposing an enhancement that would help earlier in the game for new and small to mid players alike. I do not wish for that point to be lost due to someone intentionally derailing the thread. In relation to the new update this new LOWLAND set of lands will give players extra revenue at a level that would not be excessive considering that hf and above have just been given a boost to earnings. Which I support it helps myself as well and is a good start and I look forward to seeing the devs further ideas. I just hope this gets considered.