If you've ever loved an animal ......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Queen, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. Dont go there...

    yeah its disgusting queen
  2. I know you think you've got the high ground because I stooped to name calling.

    However, "OMG!" - stands for: "you're an idiot" to anyone that can read between the lines.

    No high ground for you.
  3. Food Chain .. nuff said
  4. I had a cup of milk this morning. It was delicious and probably came from a cow that has been on a vicious cycle its entire life consisting of being artificially inseminated then having the baby killed just to start over again.
  5. Why not advocate for all the animals rather than just dogs in China at ONE point in the year.

    Face it, it happens year round, the event isn't the only time they have cruelty. That being said, advocate for other animals too. Ones we may not consider 'pets' like dogs. I own sheep and I've watched Food, Inc. And I'm aware of everything bad that goes on in our food industry.

    While it's admirable your willingness to stand up for this and fight for what you believe in, I think instead you should be advocating for all animals at all points. Regardless of species.

  6. I'm feeling hungry for veal now.
  7. @ Mewtwo - Ofc do that, but this is a high profile Festival happening on 22nd of this month. It's imminent. It's relevant and it's now.

    Breezy. I don't know where you're from but OMG is an exclamation of frustration, not calling someone an idiot
  8. Lol this thread too funny. Get real OP.
  9. I'm going to start a petition to stop the Chinese from producing milk because those barbarians do it out in the street.
  10. According to the TOU supporting a terrorist organization violates the ToU and is bannable offense. FYI
  11. Where am I showing support for them :lol: aren't they humans? Just like the Hez Bollah and Al Qaida. Clearly they also have the right to be human.
  12. No chickens just live a very crap life inside a cage and forced to not move for the entire 6 weeks before being brought to the block

    Your loving tender meat is thanks to chickens and other animals living a crappy life inside a cage and not even seeing their second month.

    We should be fixed our own problems before trying to fix someone else's
  13. support so many people missing the point of this thread.
  14. If op wanted make a difference she would if made the partition to stop animal cruelty within her own county instead of animal cruelty in other counties.

    Morally it's wrong but we have no right as people, nation and county to stick out heads into some else problems and say what they do is disguising when we do it ourselfs.

    It's hyicrtical and selfish.

    What you, op and most others are missing is the fact we have it in our own county.

    Again, fix our own problems before commenting on someone else's problems.
  15. Op is now hiding under a rock after having been thoroughly owned
  16. How do you know where I live? I might be Chinese for all you know ;)
  17. Wrong
  18. Breezy I asked you politely to leave this thread after insulting me. Please refrain from making further comments here.
  19. How do educated people still believe that load of crap. Open a science book/app - read and learn - there is a whole world of wonder out there that is not make believe.
  20. As for the original post - the world is full of issues - anyone thinking this is ok, be it in the U.S., Europe, Asia. Or anywhere else is crazy. I have read many things about how our society will be judged by future generations - how we treat our animals and how we treat our elderly. We fail both miserably. For those saying it isn't our business - maybe, maybe not- but it doesn't make it any less disgusting.
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