The Real Problem

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DirtyLarry_, Jun 18, 2015.

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  1. This isn't really a problem. It's just an unfair advantage I'd say. But nothing will change it.
  2. Oli I don't care about rule breakers at all.. But if you get caught you should be punished equally. That's the point of this thread.. There I said it
  3. Yep I agree there. If you get caught and are proven to have been breaking the rules. For sure you should be punished. But if you don't get caught. Kudos to you. I mean if I had the wealth and the means to move up the LB rather
    Quickly, (and the balls to attempt to break the rules here without getting caught) I sure as hell would.
  4. Speaking of getting caught. What about this interesting link to pdf that's been floating around for months? Is that not enough prove? Has anything been done to that lber in question?
  5. Another thread for the cry babies from fury. Nothing better than to cry for attention.
  6. You got us we are crying. I'm also mad bro and butt hurt. You are just too smart for us, we can't get anything past you
  7. I can make up a story about creating stuff for you as well. It obviously can't be proven so the devs can't take action.
  8. Don't drink the dev kool-aide Oli. Think about when they ask for ss of things when they can easily look through the history of actions to see impropriety. Something ain't stirring the kool-aide
  9. I remember spending hours upon hours tracking and searching allie price ranges to find peoples back page. Ive heard of easier ways to do it but im not personally familiar with it. I know that both sides in previous wars had teams specifically to search ranges. Hell i had an account in zafts room for it ๎’ not anymore though :(
  10. I wonder how long it took to find all of Harb's back page allies or Bominator
  11. Not as quick as it was to clear the gold from a "leader" of zaft that's for sure
  12. ๎’๎’Mare
  13. Harb was cleaned out in 38 minutes. But the memory will last forever


  14. Eww chubs hash tags were cool in 2013
  15. Just like fury and zaft were ok in 2013. Times change I guess lol
  16. Lol 99 problems but active members with allies isn't one of em.
  17. All the rp geniuses have spoken so it must be true. Lords ๎€Ž
  18. I don't think you guys understand what is and isn't a problem. Not having bfa? That would constitute a problem. Not having active members with allies? That would also be a problem. An accurate example would be as follows. I got 99 problems but having to call some goof lord on a video game ain't one.
  19. The game will continue to be a joke until devs get off their lazy asses and fix the problems OP is talking about. Its vague because the silence happy mods wont allow it to be discussed. Dont see them silencing ppl derailing the thread though. I wonder why.
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