My 14-year-old son failed Math this spring semester, and had to attend Summer School. I was furious, I knew he failed because he wasn't trying hard enough and wasn't studying. My wife and I take grades very seriously, and we do punish our children for earning bad grades. My son got a D in math at the midterms, so I grounded him from everything for the rest of the school year so he wouldn't have any distractions. But at the end of the school year, I learned that he failed math and would have to go to summer school! So I grounded him for the entire summer, both so he would have more time to study and because I believe summer vacation should only be a reward for doing well in school. I grounded him from everything- he's not allowed to leave the house; No TV, computer, video games, phone, electronics of any kind, or desserts. No books except for textbooks, a dictionary, and a bible. I took everything out of his room except his bed and educational books, and I removed his bedroom door. Today was his last day of summer school, and he passed with a 95% average. My wife thinks we should unground him for the rest of the summer as a reward for doing so well in summer school. I can see her point, but I think that such good grades should be excepted, not considered exceptional and rewarded. I think he needs to be grounded for the rest of the summer so he can learn a lesson about working hard in school and proper study habits. I did tell him he was grounded for the ENTIRE summer, so what kind of lesson will he learn if we let him off a month early? (In our district, school doesn't start until Tuesday, September 7). What do you think? Is my wife right, or should my son be grounded for the rest of the summer as well? And also he has to breath my farts for 30 minutes a day and exercise his balls.
You're a grown ass man asking parenting and marriage advice from kaw forums Try going out on your skateboard and think it through on the half pipe or a waxed up curb
Or take a long walk beside a lake while soft music plays in the background, and skip rocks while staring thoughtfully across the water.
You should unground him, to show him that good grades bring rewards. Kind of like an incentive for the future. Plus dear god the kid is gonna go into depression if he has nothing to do but stare at a wall for his entire summer. Ps. Just reread op. YOU GROUNDED HIM FROM DESSERTS TOO. That's just cruel.
Im not ungrounding him if hes even alive he hasnt breathed for 5 days so yeah he hasnt come out if his room.
Out. Pull out. Rough translation: Stop your fun, because it leads to breeding. And breeding is not okay.