1. Re: Kingdoms at war

  2. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Please remove that pic!
    It hurts my eyes!

    Edit: Yes it errored!
  3. Re: Kingdoms at war

    I'm not gonna lie and say it's good or even that I took the time to read it. But if you enjoy writing and being creative more power to ya and keep at it.
  4. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Stream of consciousness?

    Life writing, so hipster.
  5. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Support Very Nice.
  6. Re: Kingdoms at war

    It was good, but then I realized it was like a 30 page long book I had to stop.
  7. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Well done Op... Ignore the haters
  8. Re: Kingdoms at war

    I have no idea what I just read.
  9. Re: Kingdoms at war

  10. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Gum When r u gonna release the PartII ?? Waiting for that eagerly :)
  11. Re: Kingdoms at war

    big wall of text... tl;dr
  12. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Good one Gummy
  13. Re: Kingdoms at war

  14. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Gum what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent novel was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having reading it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    Billy Madison moment
  15. Re: Kingdoms at war

    The heck is this? Broken-sentences, kaw/RL intertwined poop... Read first 5 lines skimmed the rest. Scrolled to comments and laughed
  16. Re: Kingdoms at war

  17. Re: Kingdoms at war

  18. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Thanks for those that read. It is a book
    I also.have offers from publisher
    It's from 138 Page book.
    Thanks for reading
    And the ones that didn't thanks for the honesty. Harb sir I award you 3 stars for your input. Once you can understand art then it falls into place
  19. Re: Kingdoms at war

    Not locked?? Wow slow day maybe
  20. Re: Kingdoms at war

    But wait... There's more.