A Message To ATA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by BadRobot, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Dear A Thinking Ape,

    For too long I have sat on the sidelines watching your beloved game fall apart. I have seen retirement thread after retirement thread and it seems endless. There are many many problems that need to be addressed for the sake of your game. Please do listen, and take into consideration the things that your players are telling you.

    As a company, I can understand that you need money. But to be completely honest with you, money is not the key here. If you have a successful game with happy players, money will come. So I guess what you should be focused on is not making money from your game... But making your game better. You thought making it better for the people that pay-to-play would result in something good. But it didn't, its becoming an endless cycle of putting money into fake money and a game to pass time for the rich. There have been plenty of successful games that are free-to-play.

    But I'm not saying you should take a pay-to-play aspect out of the game, what I'm saying is don't give such a huge advantage to the people that pay. It is ridiculously unfair and the gap between the rich and poor is growing and growing.

    Here are some things that you could do, and these are just mere suggestions. But like I said, please take them into consideration.

    •Do something about epic battles.

    Eb's have become too vital to a kingdoms growth and survival. Especially HTE and ROTWB. These eb's have a high gold pay out. And they should not, and I repeat... Should not be a buyable thing. They should be a reward or a drop and they should be semi-hard to obtain. Epic Battles should be geared more towards equipment and less towards gold.

    •Do something about clans

    Clans were a huge update back in the day, but with all of the new updates revolving around them they have become outdated. They are in need of a serious overhaul. And there have been countless suggestions and ideas that are actually quite good.

    •Community Events

    Promo events are fun and a good aspect of the game. However, they are becoming way too common. Its no longer fun if every other week there is an event. Make them something worth looking forward to. And make them something that isn't an everyday type of thing.

    >>>If you have any other suggestions please include them on Titans thread. I didn't finish this thread to its entirety because of the recent output of threads like it. My intentions were not to take away from Titans thread. My intentions were to make more sound. Too little is too quiet. The bigger (the more) the louder we are.<<<
  2. Lol.
  3. What's funny about that?
  4. Free to win games are the games that really win. Pay to win is like putting money into a rubbish bin. Ive never seen games as successful as dota 2 or league simply because they are free. Games like diablo 3 WoW earns money sure, but who is the true winner? The FREE games. Im not saying kaw isnt free. Im saying its unplayable without rl $$.
  5. It is playable without money, but the question is... Is it worth playing without money? Is it going to be just as much of an enjoyable experience if you didn't pay? It brings me to my point about the gap. There is such a difference in players who pay and players who don't pay on a regular basis.
  6. Again, why could it not be posted in kaw_community topic? Another whinning topic.. Do you think you stating something new?

    What ever you wrote, was said before and you just repeating yourself...

    Mods - Why not merge this one as well or trashed.
  7. Seems like you're the one whining on my thread. Repetition is key you mongoloid.
  8. Very accurate statements, promo's are definitely pay to win. Who can buy the most xtals/seals ect. However I'm in my abysmal lands & have spent less than 100$ in this game in the 2 years I have played. (Before hl cuts which I was screwed on 2 accounts for refunds). It takes longer to do w/o spending money yes. However not completely impossible. Just highly improbable.

    This 4&5 upgrade was highly unneeded & very unwanted by 90% of the players. I've seen a lot of great ideas "Lv 4&5 low land buildings, Lv5 Hl" cheaper upgrades that would give stats to hit better ebs.

    Moody's black market idea was a gem, however support believes "Top equipment from promo should not be bought". That has to be the most hypocritical statement they ever used!

    Devs dont care about the game as a whole, they care about who spends the most money in this game. Hence the new upgrades. They only appeal to those spending hundreds of dollars in seals & xtals.

    Weither or not this comment is liked or appreciated is of no relevance to me. However support except for not selling seals. That alone helps keep the game afloat. Now taking Hte out of promo's would be a equal trade off I could easily agree with.
  9. ATA should open a used car sales department..
  10. When did the game fall apart?

  11. Timeout!

    Get back on the bench.

    Substituting another forumer for this clown
  12. It hasn't, however it is falling apart.
  13. As stated above, not fallen apart just slowly falling apart. This thread us an effort in hopes that the devs will read and try to understand a bit more about how there effecting this game.
  14. Honestly, we get this reaction every time a new update rolls around. Nothing new, really. It ends up quieting down and then we go about normal buisness.
  15. I'm running my own boycott on ATA :lol: join with me.
  16. So we can keep feedback and thoughts in one place, if you haven't yet please share these thoughts in Titan_God's thread.
  17. Relentless the whiner complaining on a thread of someone who actually cares he will be whining for new lands I give it 4 weeks max.
  18. I've already shared my thoughts with him. And this thread was supposed to be posted before his but he beat me to the punch. Nice to see you are active in the forums today though. :)

    I can't understand why everyone thinks my thread is harmful or something. Or that the ideas of change can only belong to one person or be confined to one thread.
  19. Updated.
  20. What if you have to pay gold to hit someone that was less than 2 times your size.