Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by oOo-Red-Lace-oOo, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Support. I thought the OMETS were no longer with us? Well, let's hope IA keeps true to their words unlike some
  2. Eric we've all seen your banner 
  3. Oh god westiee the cabbage is here?!
  4. North is here?!?! 
  5. Ninja.... Is here?!?
  6. Bumpity bump bump
  7. The Antichrist... Is here!!!!
  8. Yes ninja is here.
  9. people know you're here so you aren't doing a good job being a ninja
  10. Shhhh you're not helping 
  11. Oops, you're right, sorry. *returns to the depths of hell*
  12. Oh shhh, We all know your previous Username! I CALL YOU GLADDIS THE CABBAGE
  13. Support to my ia fam let's keep kicking ass and do what we do best
  14. This kinda reminds me of the Omet group, hiding among various clans, but bound to the same group. Just no name changes. Either way, Hi Blood and Ori!
  15. Idk how much of it's cool... I witnessed a kingdom 1/3 the size of another from IA get punked for a wall CF post and almost quit the game. There was no open disrespect done to deserve it imo.
    Now I'm not the defender of truth an justice but it sure looked like a bully tactic to me from at least one member. To start a PVP with an equal stat kingdom then have a bigger one come in to demand a CF seems pretty chicken to me
  16. We hit everyone for a reason. If you get hit by us, theres always a reason.
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