Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for rising against the apes
  2. Banned for having a name that rhymes with noodles.
  3. Banned 4 thinking about noodles
  4. Banned for also thinking about noodles.
  5. Banned for thinking of noodles also
  6. Banned do to: Unneccary banning.
  7. Banned because I cant understand what you are saying
  8. Banned for not knowing what they say to mods who ban for no good reason.
  9. Banned for bringing that topic here
  10. Banned for banning
  11. Banned for being fiery
  12. Banned for making a name related pun
  13. Banned for not realizing it wasn't much of a pun...... Was it?
  14. Banned for showing up in my battle list
  15. Banned for having me in your battle list
  16. Banned for making me "lol"
  17. Banned for telling me that I make you lol
  18. Banned for using this thread for shameless post count farming.
  19. Banned for not telling me the whole defenition of post-count farming from the kaw dictionary to make me understand why....
  20. Banned because You all suck.