"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by lii-Kristy_The_MaCHiNE-iil, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. By Robert Frost

    Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.

    I never look@forums so idk if this has ever been done, really don't care if it has- I'm too lazy to look- It's just these new releases make me sad when thinking about the possibility of saying goodbye to more longtime friends....If I am a copycat, I don't mean to be. This post is a place to list some of our favorite people who have left the game already, names of people who were once a big presence in Kaw- people who dedicated their time and effort into helping others whether it was building up eb clans or war clans...these people are gone from Kaw but not forgotten.
  2. I miss Hope and Fairplay
  3. miss you guys

    yon888 (rip)
  4. You speak the truth. It is rather heartbreaking to think of in that way. I have painful memories thinking of another great kaw lady. IlIBHlI-GuaRDiaNaNGeI-llIBHIIl . She never said she was in pain, and passed away. I've made friends that have left the game, their accounts long gone. As much as I used to love this game, the passion just isn't there like it was. I love video games, and usually will play through to completion. But with this game, I feel that I will never, ever, keep pace. I've tried getting people to play but as soon as I begin to explain it they lose interest. As more and more "regulars" drop out and less new players join we will begin to drown in the stagnant pond water KAW has become.
  5. To lighten the mood...
    This is the bed of cupcakes with edible glitter I keep going on about... I want to live in them.
  6. Too many people the last 5 years:

    And many more
  7. Do Want!
  8. Wow... I mean..Yummy. Lol- I need you to make these but make them chocolate <3
  9. And so it shall be! Chocolate! And as mentioned... with white chocolate mousse centers. <3 love to you lady
  10. Bella, you're in BH... Did you know Angel?

  11. Sorry my ocd of no imagefit
  12. Yes, The social part of The game is dying, a lot of people have left this game, some by RL Issues , other past away, some where able to break free... I miss All The friends ive made this 2 past years, cant imagine people that have 3,4,5 years in this.. Stay Strong ,
  13. Yes, many old players have left the game - but this is only natural. Games like this are rare, such a good mix of strategy and social features is hard to come by. So it makes sense that a game that can take up a good chunk of your time will have leaving veterans. But the thing is, people go on about "KaW will never be the same" or "Not enough people joining". I just don't think this is true. Do you have stats to prove it? No. So it's more of a general feeling based around your experiences. But it only makes sense that someone who has played for years will see more friends leaving than new players joining - this is simply because you're not that exposed to new players. If you're in a clan that runs b2b aff, you won't see many new players. But if you visit a small clan or look at the number of grey names in wc, you'll see that there are in fact many people joining. I've been playing this game for just under 5 years - I've played through friends leaving, clans disbanding and so on. But if you look in the right places, you will realise that there is just as much life as there is death.
  14. The outsiders...
    Great book/movie
  15. Yes it was