Devs are destroying this game. And the funny part is that they don't even care. All they do is bring out updates that they know people will have to pay to keep up with. Kaw is the epitomy of pay to win games now. And it is getting so overwhelming that hardcore free to play kawers are giving up. Veterans are throwing in the towel. Even moderators, yes, moderators are quitting the game. With the latest reset of the devs own moderator, Inferno (Rip), lets hope that the devs open their eyes and make necessary changes before KaW self-destructs. I have been around since the first days of KaW on different accounts. And I have watched KaWs transition from an enjoyable free to play game to a pay to win game. And even when you pay you still have to pay more just to keep up. I quit KaW for 2 years then came back about a month ago, and this is what I come back to? Almost all my veteran friends are gone? Moderators gone? Some of the best players who actually had SKILL and used it to get as far as they have gotten are even gone! So after the reset of Inferno, I deeply hope that the devs WAKE UP AND TAKE ACTION NOW! Because at the rate that KaW is going with no new players coming in and Veterans going out, KaW will become empty. Only left with LB players who have spent thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars and hours on this game. They have spent too much to leave now. Devs stop respecting LB so much that you leave out the middle man. Because it's US who actually help new players when they enter the game. It's US who keep making clans to accommodate these said new players. It's US who keep WC going every day. LB are too "good" to do any of this. KaWers big and small, I beg you to WAKE UP and realize the devs care nothing about none of us. LB, they are releasing updates to drain your pockets as much as they can, as long as they can. Why? Because they know this game is dying and they want to see how much they can empty your deep pockets before they pull the plug. Thousands of dollars... gone to waste.. Middle players.. They know we will never achieve our dreams of BC/LB, that is why they release these tiers before we are ready. To see how much we can spend to chase a now unrealistic dream. But it is hard to see because of the events they throw at us. The little plunder increases they give to ebs. We are blinded because we THINK we make progress from the gold we get but in reality it is not enough. Wake up everyone. There was a time where KaW was based on pure skills and knowledge and time. What happened? WAKE UP!!! And realize that to fully enjoy all aspects of the game, you have to pay for everything. Whether it is xtals for war/eb or SODs. KaW will die if not catered to. But we have been telling devs for years. Yet, still no answer. I'm not going to make this pretty because sadly, KaW isn't worth the effort anymore. So what is your opinions on KaWs future? I vote we start a movement. #KaWlivesmatter Voice your opinions, they matter more than anything.
I find the lack of a full and frank response from the devs to the weight of outrage against the new tiers rather dissappointing so far. Hopefully their first actuon on monday morning, well after a tasty banana, is to work out their response.
It's like the British monarchy, they're the clergy, LB is Aristocrats, and we're the peasants or in other words the rest
Many people have already pledged to not spend anymore toward ata, I am one of those. I there is nothing we can do to convince them to change until they see their actions taking negative affects on their pocketbook. Join us in refusing to pay for anything that ata puts out!
First of all inferno quit because of personal problems second of all pay to win not really more like pay to leaderboard/stats you cant really "win" in kaw
I grow without paying I don't understand if why do they complain about it soo much but kept paying even though they are the ones who think that ata are milking their pockets.
I grow without paying too! I can see there is still a hope of light to be build complete even without paying one cent! It will take me more than 2 years, no 3, no... As long as it all comes to determination now!
I love all u guys saying u dont pay but u still grow so u dont have to pay to grow Let me put it this way. Im over 3yrs now n 30m cs. U following......there r 130m cs accts now....u still w me......these accts bc of bad mechs can hit accts 100m cs played loyally 3yrs........someone that maxed xstaled daily n sealed could pass me in months easily. Tgats messed up but its true. There r hfbc accts that dont have a yr badge. Its pay to win. People that say otherwise ur either stupid. Too ignorant to c it. Or both
Ive never payed a cent and im at 50 m cs after 3 yrs. Never will pay either free game not gonna pay im still growing.
Now, who hate this "pay to play" game but still pay and play? It's better for you to grow longer while not paying anything than keep paying while complaining....