T7 Upgrades, EB Payout Changes, and a Weekend Promo!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. I find it amusing how after 40 odd pages of people complaining and several suggesting hoarfrost lands get a price cut that the devs have still not responded to any of it.
  2. I thought it was just me
  3. Moral of the story.... Raise the gold or drop the seal cost.
  4. The devs never respond unless their hand is forced and they need to spin something. Like what they did concerning the vip program they failed to cover up by deleting posts and silencing people.
  5. They found time to create a new forum on what people thought of the farmer event!

    Come on devs. Engage with us.
  6. Check dates.
  7. Check comprehenstion.

    Steve said the made a forum to see what people thought of the Farmer Event.

    He didn't say they made that forum after they made this. He is simply stating that he wants the devs to be more engaging on this issue.
  8. It's irrelevant really. They found the time to make it? Lol. It's a sentence with a link made a day before the T7 event. I can do that in 3 minutes.
  9. Increase in payouts is good for new players, but who asked for new buildings... Never saw a single post asking for new buildings.
  10. HTE needs to increase payout.

    (So mids can catch up)

    If you increase the competition at bc level maybe more will stay instead of trying to 'bread and circus' (entertain) them with new lands.

    Maybe some sort of reward for being the first 50 to be bc as compensation but others who do not pay as much should be able to achieve bc in time too to help keep that upper end alive.


  11. Wrong again vk...they should up hte and maintain the 300%.seeing as when hte came out it was billed as haunting x3. Hopefully people wisen up and reduce spending by 50% and let devs k ow its garbage.
  12. This update should be called the harb effect. One of the main gripes for years of lb players has to have been no protection for their investment. All that gold in bfa that could be gone in minutes #Harb. Well now they have a way to dump trillions of their bfa into permanent stats that just so happens to increase the amount of gold they make on ebs ...which bfa didnt. Its not a bad trade either since raw stats always outweighs bfa. Not sure why everyone is complaining it really really does not affect them at all. However ...good luck trying to strip excess bfa off of a 60m spy defense monster. Which is why i think this was done. #Harb.
  13. So essentially they got tired of there being a risk of losses in a war game?
  14. Yeah prob lol...but ...
    Its quite a difference between most players $20 a month and thousands of $'s invested.
  15. Support!!!! Reduce the ugrade price of hf builds.. or they just suck..
  16. 100% support
  17. 12pm PDT Monday the 15th is same for everyone. Its called a time zone lol

    Thank you devs, you are so kind!

    Gratz to Vendetta as well for his brand new shiny WL badge!

    Those upgrades rocks!

    I'm not build complete yet..
  19. congrats relentless