Thanks Eagle for locking the last thread, *sarcastic*, I'm posting it again because it was pure gold.
Wouldn't writing an original poem, written for a small sect of the world population, referencing a current issue take large amounts of effort?
Eagles opinion of effort is based on how long it takes you to type it. Not the thought put into it. Im starting to think eagle's "locked for low effort" posts is his own personal was of post count farming.
I found it to be a fun read. Considering the current update, was spot on without being malicious. With the player anger and unrivaled concerns for the game we love to play, it's sad to see how the chosen representatives that play watchtower for ATA selectively add insult by locking innocent threads of those voicing their concerns on the very forum ATA provides. I don't have "color" options on my iDevice to get around any "lack of effort" but hopefully my support of OP's original post has the required minimum words/lines to make the grade. Great poem, shouldn't have been locked, and it still makes me chuckle reading it.