speaker regen

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TERRA, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Why do speakers no longer regenerate if you don't log in every day!??? Damnit ATA!!


    How am I supposed to go on a 5 day hiatus and then troll world chat?

    (Or am I just imagining things and this isn't new/isn't happening)

    Either way I want speakers to regen without logging in!

    Thank you, this took me all night
  2. Wow
    Much effort
    Such information
    Very detail

    On a serious note, you only have to connect don't have to play
  3. Well it's not that hard to just log in once a day.

  4. On a more serious note, this has always been a thing.. Other than that, terra for VK
  5. Some people don't understand....
  7. Just lock this.
  8. You've always had to log in to get the regain.
  9. it would be kinda cool if you could earn speakers some other way..
  10. Like buying them?
  11. How come world announcements are so expensive
  12. Gross who buys things?
    New promo, suck dick and get 30 speaks.