new island in kaw

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Rick23, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. willy
  2. are we surrounded by water its not a island its main lands
  3. Hey man,sorry forr that,i have an bad english.
  4. Re: new land in kaw

  5. Dude I'm never gonna be built compete. Don't crush my dream anymore.
  6. Here is rick23,i reseted my account bur i dont want more that account,rick23 is now desativated and dont need any price,i just wnat the devs make the land.
  7. He loves the Kaw.
    Admit it, you love the Kaw too.

    It takes two hands to hold my Kaw.
  8. Hello Rick,

    Thanks you for contacting ATA support. We greatly appreciate your feedback, and I'll be forwarding this (not really HEHEHEHEHEE) to the development team.



  9. That will be at least 5. No, 7.
  10. Lmao.
  11. In KAW We Trust