
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WOLFIE, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. I think this is a wolfie


  2. I'm a escape artist :cool:

    And I am a woifie inferno sorry for the confusing but blame that statless who took the wolfie name before I had chance to change name D:
  3. #TeamKhajiit

    We have cookies that we totally didn't steal off woifie.
  4. Teamwolfie Atk 3/4/13 np
  5. You cookies seen oddly like my cookies kitten 0o

    See that frog the power of team woifie as caused you to fail 1 attack :p
  6. #TeamWolfie!!! Where do I sign up?
  7. Can #TeamWoIfie and #ZethTillDeath be allies?

  8. You won my allegiance.

    Go team Boobs.. I mean, Aella!!!
  9. No Support
  10. I support this but no support on that hashtag crap
  11. Skoutz tuk ur pawtz
  12. Support!!!

    (When do I get my cookies?? ;) )
  13. You get them in this care package I have set up for you wasted :p