SILVER solved the Plunder Wars issue!!! PvP Event Version

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ashvar, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Smashing an open PS reminds me of dining at the 'Y'. Many shrews feel its taboo but at the end of the day it gets results. Both parties feel good about it and everyone is happy.

    For two weeks, with spell and sword, a big PS pays double (at least) what HTE does. Run 24 xystals in an hour, make your 500b-1t and b done with it. I've spent days trying to work out what the problem is. Don't hate the player hate the game.

    Great stories have a point. Something that's being alluded to.
    After reading this post for the 10th time I'm still unable to find said point here. Guess its just not a great story.

    Happy days. 
  2. It's all about the helmets and strip funds. Dropping 500 bronze bars (11.25bill) can make my clan over a 1 tril in strip funds in 10 mins
  3. This is for my good friend dirtylarry who said zaft don't make forum threads. Here you go sweetie... I'll let you be the kettle today. And I won't be responding to anything on this thread. Just proving I don't make stuff up as you so generously said earlier. Although, I will admit to being wrong as most of this thread isn't zaft, so not many commented on it. Have fun hitting your osf. 
  4. LOL