confirm-button for allie hires

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lIlIlIlILlIlIOlIlIWlIlIlIlI, May 20, 2015.

  1. Scroll with left hand. Hire with right. Sorted!
  2. Or if they ally is hired by yourself twice or more U don't have to confirm it?
  3. No support, then no one will buy my garbage allies.
  4. Seriously, this can be the only explanation as to how some of my crappy allies have sold.
  5. Also make that hire button much smaller. Why the hell it got to be so wide, especially on Android - often I hired a junky while attempting to scroll down ally list.
  6. Partial support, it would slow strips down...

    However, if you added in an option to turn the confirm button on/off, I'd fully support.
  7. In every single mmo I have every played in my 16 years of gaming, I have never seen a game that did not have an option to set or unset a confirmation on purchases (default is always on).

    Support. No reason why this game should not give you the option to prevent accidental purchases.
  8. Yes please
  9. I like the concept. What about an ally browse mode that has no Hire buttons. Hiring could be done after viewing a player. This would give a safe browsing option.
  10. What a great idea! I can't believe this hasn't been suggested before. I bet the devs will get right on this.
  11. No! It would be bad for volleying. Also, I think iPhones should drop the "you have purchased an ally!" Thing. When volleying allies with my boyfriend, with him sitting right next to me, it's annoying that every purchase I do, that pops up. But he doesn't have to deal with it.
  12. support to this, but there is one negative point, volleying newbies will take more time
  13. No support, makes vollying impractical, keep your mitts off of the hire button side of the screen
  14. To the three people above....
    Was other's ideas better?
    Or did you just look at op and post?....

    I support the one where there's a toggle but you can turn it off in the settings...

  15. The Suggestion to make a toggle in the settings-menu to switch the confirm-request on/off has been made. I guess this would be a solution️
  16. I support. But rethink when you want faster collies?
  17. **vollies. Would become difficult and such. Just a thought
  18. I'm glad everyone is repeating what has already been suggested. You're original bud
  19. Instead of a cumbersome Confirm window, they could change the action response to input behavior. OnDblClick =BuyAlly

    OnDblTapUp = BuyAlly etc.

    This way a single accidental press or click goes ignored.