Hey Forums! So, my friend StandingSolo and I came up with a new banner event that we think would benefit all of KaW! Note: this doesn't have to be limited to just banners, but it could also be used in equip as well. Banners were just easier to use for the idea. So, since this note isn't clear to all, I'll put it in this format. Banners are just a template because they were easier to use than equipment was. This thread is mainly focused on a new/old way of tiering event rewards rather than new banners So basically it goes like this: A 2 week event. During these two weeks you would be collecting a specific item. The more you collect, the better reward you get. Except, this has a little twist to it. ITEM DROPS ARE BASED ON ACTIONS!(Items from the Marketplace are not included in deciding the final payout of event items.) Eb's in each tier would pay 1-2 items PER action. There would be 1 eb in each tier that would pay 2-3 items PER action. This eb would change every 2 days so players wouldn't be hitting the same eb in a tier for 2 weeks. Hte/rotwb would have the exception of paying 3-4 items PER action. The rewards would be set in tiers similar to how you've seen in the past with the Quetzal and Ide Moth events. 250 items Banner level 1 Stats: .3% in Att/def and spy Att/def 500 items Banner level 2 Stats: .6% in Att/def spy Att/def 1.25k items Banner level 3 Stats: .9% in Att/def spy Att/def 2.5k items Banner level 4 Stats: 1.2% in Att/def spy Att/def 10k items Banner level 5 Stats: 1.5% in Att/def spy Att/def 13.75k items Banner level 6 Stats: 1.8% in Att/def spy Att/def 17.5k items Banner level 7 Stats: 2.1% in Att/def spy Att/def 25k items Banner level 8 Stats: 2.4% in Att/def spy Att/def 37.5K items Banner level 9 Stats: 2.7% in Att/def spy Att/def 40k items Banner level 10 Stats: 3% in Att/def spy Att/def 50k items Banner level 11 Stats: 3.3% in Att/def spy Att/def These banners would be NON-ENCHANTABLE! But as a little addition, every tiers banner would look slightly different. The higher the tier, the more amped up and better the banner would look. Well, I hope you liked the idea! All feedback is welcome! If you post support/no support, if you could, please include a reason as to why. Thank you
Why does hte/rotwb get a special upgrade to drops leave it the same the plunder is already a good enough bonus
Premium epic battles deserve premium bonuses. Seals/horns do drop so you could get it for free... So it's fair enough that those who spend money get increased drops
The fact of the matter is that HTE has an item bar that has roughly 500 items in for someone who hits ~90 per item. Now that is 1500-2000 drops per eb as well as the rest of their hits. Someone small could be doing 1 damage. Imagine the payout. 135000-180000 Just let that sink in. Even if items were removed from the equation there is a reason why the devs made it so that bigger builds get better rewards. A small account getting the best rewards would just be ridiculous. We as a community complain about all the statless accounts basically destroying the lower tier of players yet we want to allow them access to massive equipment that is huge in comparison to their size. It's like giving a baby a shotgun. No support Also here is a baby with a shotgun
1, No items will contribute to End pays of items only standard unloads/xstals. Thus players who are more active receive better tiers. 2. It isnt a speacial banner everyone receives just look jewels promo and this harvest any can get a banner just needed 2500(jewels) and 5000 harvest. Yes if a small player is extrmely active they deserve a boost to help them grow faster and hit higher tiers. High activity means fast growth anyway. Besides the % as they stand ( just figurative numbers as well as the Amount of items for each lvl banner) wouldnt give small accounts signifcant bonuses since is % of over all power. If items are to easily acheived reward tiers Amounts can be raised as well. Bigs still benefit most since they get most stats from the %s 3, this is just a template for future events a new way to try things out. Bringing back the basis of the queztnal and ice moth hunts. Cheers moody for explaining why Hte/Rotwb will only get you 1 item more. Do look at the items rates. Doing your special eb in the designed tier has a chance to have = drops to hte thus making the bracket more fair while hte does get a slight edge since its a prenium epic.
I think this is an excellent idea! This is just the event kingdoms at war needs! Something that will get people hitting all the epic battles, ensures that people won't get bored of the same old stuff, plus rewards are still great and achievable! I vote yes to this.