i like this. except one thing. if i sign up and i see someone in my clan i dont wish to war with- ie a notorious leaker/inactive/cc spammer - or simply if rl gets in the way- i want the ability to leave the queue without penalty.
Also the gold from this would pay better than HTE ? People complain about there being too much gold in the system as it is. This would be a huge loss for the devs so it won't happen. If it was simply like war but shorter it would work but the gold bonus is far too high.
Very interesting idea, devs certainly need to keep evolving war to accept a wider variety of builds. Great work skip; I support this fully
Looks good so far How can I war with my clan mates in this system? A min/max level for friends warring together ?
I think that initially it should be indi war only... Later when the game picks up, you could have predefined clan names that allow joining for matchmaking if you are within the build range based on the first joiner. This would prevent manipulation of rosters and allow for even match ups. -skippyeddo
Something funny came to my mind. What if Justin bieber was the actor for a pimd commercial. Anyways, a great idea and this will surely increase the number of warriors we have!
Strong support! I suggested something similar (albeit not in nearly such detail) eons ago, calling them "skirmishes". I would in particular like to see quick small roster wars on a clan basis, from experience I know that there is plenty of interest in wars; however, for most clans it is very difficult to field a team of 15 warriors for any particular time slot (for any given time, ~ 1/3 of a clan is sleeping, ~1/3 at work/school, and the remaining ~ 1/3 shuffling family and other comitments and wars) Plus, it would take much less effort for the WC to put together a 5 person roster (the burden of organization is often a bottleneck) and with more rosters signing-up the match-ups should (at least in theory) be better.
Yeah because more wars will bring more players, right? Absolutely not! This game is failed from the get-go simply because it doesn't encourage new players at all. Who wants to play a game and try to compete when you simply can't because all of your peers have been playing for years. There's no competition or equality to promote new growth. Unless a system is provided that breaks everyone into tiers 24/7, there's no way new players will join. This is simply because there's no benefit for them to try and grow, spend money, or earn anything because it's already been done. That's how a gamer thinks. They want to be the first to do something and be able to flaunt it to the rest of the community. It's called competition and game designed for war is a competitive game. Only downside is this game has no tier system period to provide a nourishing growth pattern. It's just a who's got the biggest wallet or been here the longest, and that deters newbies from even trying. There's no point! Also, this game's platform is unilateral. Commit actions to receive something and hopefully have enough something to build more something. There's no tactics, there's no differentials or variables. You just build one of 6 types of buildings through a 7-tier system. Everyone's got full pots, good BFA, and good BFE (to an extent of course) so there's very little tactical oversight left to make the player feel either unique or smart for making THAT building decision. This game doesn't need another war type. It needs an entire overhaul if the developers want it to last longer than the 6 years it's already been running. Especially since you look at what it's competing with. You have Clash of Clans and Game of War. Both of these aspects have many more variables than KaW does because they are newer and fresher. Plus they both have a tier system installed from the get-go. Clash of Clans with their league brackets and you can only hit people near your bracket, and Game of War with their 200 different kingdoms that have varying strength based on how old they are. I mean a new kingdom pops up and the only people to join are new players. So they get to explore the new things by themselves, without power house interaction. It feels refreshed every single month! On top of that, you can look at revenue sales and oh my lord these two are miles ahead of KaW. In all honesty, KaW doesn't need spicing up, it's past it's prime. More wars, events isn't gonna do much. It needs a Runescape 3 type of overhaul and that's big changes really soon. I'm talking new combat system, new learning tutorial, and possibly new tier installments that constantly stick around. How they want to do it, is their choice (developers) but at this rate, we need to see a huge change that makes KaW look like an entirely new game. Also, I am not advertising any other app/game, I'm merely stating what the competition has and what the developers need to look at if they want KaW to continue alive through 7 years. This is coming from someone who has played every other game out there and I can honestly tell you that those reasons are a huge factor in why KaW is losing it's player base and new player income.
I agree with Versa on a lot of points: 1) we need a more reliable tier system (which is what i presented in my details) 2) Kaw needs a significant update, which I have seen some movement on in recent weeks. So the devs haven't written the game off yet. 3) Appearance and Advertising would definitely help the game I disagree with Versa on the following: 1) I believe a short war that was on demand could be enough to cause interest and grab players from other similar games and create renewed interest in the game. 2) more tactics come into play in Wars than in PvP or EB's. Additionally, I would note that we need a segment of the game that is not EB's (which is long, slow and repetitive) to increase the demand for the game. So far, I see this as Wars or possibly these PvP Events. PvP events are slightly fun; however, they pane compared to Wars. If the rosters were small it would allow for more people to signup and thus allow for better matchups. More Volume = Increased odds of better matchups and less no matches. This would also allow smaller players to war in smaller brackets thus allowing new players to start warring the day they start if the game demand increases enough. This event type would have to be individual war for a good while until demand for the game picked up enough to allow for good matchups in each person's tier.
Tactics in a 30min war? I mean I did a 1 hour war and it was the most boring thing I have ever done on any game.
As for game of war and there being new kingdoms you cannot grow on that game without spending quite abit of money and then the kingdoms become stagnant after 6 months.
Support on this. Devs get to work. Decreased the expensive purchase of crystals and nobility points you greedy asses lol
Nothing personnel but I don't think they should spend more time on adjusting EE... They still have a thousand promises to keep and this one has taken most of its time, considering not all players EE regularly. (Not that many don't) Good job on thread though and I can see you put a lot of effort, in regardless.
Personally I think they should have kept to extremely short wars or very long ones. (E.g. A few days). This may sound stupid but longer wars would have meant that it isn't entirely just based down to people who stayed on for excessive time periods (24 hours ). This would make war less tense and less preplanned. Because let's face it, EE wars are so overdone. Planning strategies of who you hit? Etc. boring. It's too focused, too individual. Short wars are good (like your idea) because it stops people from just self pinning for entire wars. It's more realistic to an actual war wherein, you lose all your troops and defensive capabilities, you lose the game/treasure. They don't just say "oh he has no more troop! We can't hurt him!". I want realism!