Why are people so ungrateful? Why must we complain when the Devs offer us a way to get something for free? There was a time when the only way to get free stuff was to farm quests for nobs (and xtals), and we all know that it isn't really worth our time. Now, with these events we have a way to get something else for free (equip, bronze bars, aqua/inferno, etc...) but we still complain about not getting enough things. My only question is, why? I am, by no means, saying that this game isn't basically ruined and blah blah blah. But really, why do we have to complain about free things? No one is forcing you to spend money to be in the top 10 of an event. Anyways, sorry for the short thread/rant. Thanks for reading and good luck to those participating in the PvP Blitz
I "complain" about things being offered for "free" because the rewards for those who pay to win far far far far outweigh the rewards for those who gain their rewards for "free". What the devs are basically doing (as this is a pvp game) is putting you in an arena with a bunch of other people giving you these options: 1: If you pay me a ton of money I will give you an automatic rifle, full body armor, and a tank. 2: If you pay me an above average amount of money I will give you an automatic rifle & a bullet proof vest. 3: If you pay me SOME money I will give you a handgun. 4: If you don't pay me any money I will give you a fork. Okay guys, fight it out! What some people fail to understand is people do not enjoy playing a game they have to constantly throw money at in order to remain relatively competitive; a game where the biggest determining factor in a conflict is who spends the most rl $. That is only "fun" the big spenders & even then they have to be a certain type of person to enjoy paying to win. The most successful games in the world do not have pay to win cash shops because it simply is not fun for everyone to have to keep paying to win. This game is on the decline, there is no doubt about it & the reason is the same as all pay to win games; the majority does not want to pay to win. There is a difference between collecting enough money from your customers to keep your business alive, profitable, and growing & milking your customers for $ constantly to feed your greed. Players foolish enough to buy into this "free" nonsense are as much to blame as the developers. In response to some of the typical generic responses: I do play other games but also enjoy this game. Don't bother with the "durr I can't think of anything even remotely intelligent to say so I will say if you don't like it play another game" reponse. Devs do not NEED HTE, RotWB, or these money grab events for the game to be profitable & continue to grow as this game costs very little to maintain (compared to real mmorpgs) & they continued to make large profits & grow before their greed took control.
If you want to play this game for free, you should accept that the top will get the top rewards. The devs will "try" and keep it balanced but the spenders will come out on top. Also: HTE is a necessary evil. Why do you think KaW/Pimd is still kicking? The Developers self sustained the games. 6$ per seal for a 1/2 hour EB in the top clans. Now that the games are sustained, the funds should go back into making the games better.
The game was "sustained" before HTE & could continue to be without it. HTE was introduced as a temporary promo but when they seen how much they could make allowing people to pay to win, they kept it. I don't play for free & don't want to play for free. Playing for free is impossible as the company would earn no money. As I said before, there is a difference between a company charging their customers enough money to keep the game updated/growing, profitable, etc & completely milking their customers by forcing them to pay absurd amounts of $ or remain at the bottom.
Anyone could say anything in the world is perception. I've been a gamer since the first real mmo hit (EverQuest 1) and have played most popular games out there. I'm well aware of what keeps the successful ones going. Someone posted a thread about the history of KaW a while back that showed how much success & growth this game made before HTE, RotWB, & these money grab events. That is not perception, it is fact. The game thrived before the introduction of the severe pay to win we are seeing now. They are not necessary & they will only hurt the game in the long run.
Why do you think we see more and more people leaving ? This is the major issue, the events are calculated in such a manner that it is impossible to get anything useful without spending. It's going to be a lonely old place when all the regular folk simply reset and walk away.. Kaw is no where near as popular as it once was, new players are 80% alts. If they want to charge for the events like they do and remove any competitiveness other than who's got the fattest wallet today, can we skip the bs and just say armor $100 etc etc will save us all a great deal of time.
AJ you should youtube "power creep" to get a better understanding on why too much pay to win has and will continue to destroy games.
Can I ask a question? Do you mean, "why do people complain at "free" things"? I'm still kinda confuse...... I'm not gonna give my opinion while I'm not sure.....
It's in reference to the event that is going on. He's wondering why people "complain" that those who spend absurd amounts of money on this game can be significantly better (statistically) then other players. He believes that because the devs offer a few crappy rewards to those who do these events without spending money, that justifies the devs offering options to pay hundreds of dollars for rewards that are way out of the ballpark better.
Oh...... He's right. Games didn't became popular because they are rich but because they are enjoying. It's sad that you can 95% win the event by buying nobs and xtals :/ I do not protest to make everything free but I just wish that whatever place you are now in the game, you can win or lose, randomly, not always.... Well except if you are really weak still but how about those big players who didn't buy items? There's something unbalance here but I really can't identify if what is it :/