Is it possible to catch up?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by llllllOlllDlllOllllll, May 29, 2015.

  1. First op you can hang it up on catching up, the trick is not to get left to far behind. Growth just don't happen gotta generate gold consistently meaning logging in every few mins an unload on a epic battle an repeat unloading on a person could pay better than an epic battle the downside the person can farm you an your growth a halt
  2. It's not about growth, not about the journey, not about spending real cash; whereas, this going to sound corny but there is cool people that play man. This a more viral version of social media. There is no social media built on strangers meeting. Only your current friends and family or business partners. Cool people play this game and they have tenure. Plus you get some bs game to do on the side that keeps you entertained.
  3. Thats it in a nutshell
    The experience n interaction is what get ppl playin n stayin. KaW is ever evolving n is not perfect but thats the nature of gaming n times a changin also.
  4. Yes you can catch up I've only been here 1 week and it's not boring it's great just have a positive outlook and be very active in your that way you can catch up! :)
  5. Not sure what game you playing, but in kaw growth is the object of playing unless you a shadow hansel.

    In a nut shell kaw becomes fun the more you grow, more options become available. a few kawers may log in just to chat but there usually alts of players that been playing years.
  6. Skim when possible, do fast epics, stay active...really, you could be half my size in 6 months
  7. It's easy to grow quickly.
  8. It is easier than ever to grow at the low end however getting started is just a bit of a pain. Honestly chances are you will never catch up to those on top of the leaderboard unless you surpass what they do already (loads of seals and xtals)

    Your goal shouldn't be to be the biggest player just aim to enjoy yourself. Size comes over time not within a day.
  9. The devs should still increase eb to "growth weekend" as perm plunder moving forward.

    I have xtal and seals, I've always supported the game when I'm active (4 years, and then the past bit where my daughter got born and she's more important than you...difficult I know, but you'll deal), but the OP and folks aren't wrong about bridging a gap.

    It's not about you or me, but about who comes next.

    If ata wants this to be a pay-for-play app, just cut the pretenses and charge $20 for it. If not, there are a bunch of folks who want a larger and more involved player base, and that could start here.
  10. KaW isn't the game to complete in a short time. It takes years to be on top and then still you need a crazy high activity to stay on top. (And a fat wallet).

    I suggest you start exploring this game, make friends and don't focus to much on being on top.
  11. I would say "catching up" is easier now than ever before. Lands are cheaper and gold is easier to earn.

    Will you make the top 50 lb? Not without spending lots of money-but its always been that way.

    Getting to a place where you are big enough to participate in most of the ebs and join wars though takes a fraction of the time it did even just a year ago.
  12. I...have never been on value lb...been inside the top 800-1200 on all the others, but yeah. It's tough getting to the top without spending big cash, but you can be a big part of the community and enjoy the game without that.

    You have a community of folks to draw upon, it's on you to reach out to us.
  13. Hey I been playing 3 days and im fair chuffed with myself lol the games already been made easy for us new players with unlocked land and 10 crystals what more can we ask really. The trick is to be active and participate in all ur clans ebs and build and ug ur kingdom u will get there xx
  14. You should concentrate on being the best among your peers. Don't waste your time and money trying to match those that discovered the game years before you. Be the best at your size and you will grow
  15. $20 bucks joe? Lol I spent more than that for this promo already. Devs will go broke at those prices.
  16. Lol catch up by playing the game for a few years
  17. Actually, a player still can catch up and be on top of the leaderboards without spending any money at all. But it will take a much longer time and dedication, of course!

    Remember Chaos's words? :D