Im a fairly new player and it seems like its almost impossible to catch up to the top teirs. Is there anyway we can figure out a way to make it easier to catch up? Its easy to see this game will die outbecause of new players quiting because they are so far behind. It would take a year at least and by then your still behind because of new teirs. We noobs need a way to learn the game and catch up atleast at a better pace than slugs.
You can catch up easily It's simpler Follow these steps 1) Buy Xtals 2) Buy more xtals 3)repeat steps 1 and 2
Lets see.... U Played for a few days n ask how to catch up to ppl playin for up to 5 yearsish. Thats a tough one to answer A time machine is recommended GL
Folks. It's an honest question. Trolling every thread by a newbie isn't beneficial long term. Instead of jumping to ridicule someone, try helping them and maybe some will stick around.
1st off ignore how big ppl r. 2nd is decide what ur goal is then a plan or strategy can be formed. 3rd seek advice from clannies or look at helpful threads in forums.
Yeah as soon as you can spare 100 bucks for only 168 crystals? Yeah right i can put. That money towards a bill or a better console. Not going to spend 100$'s to catch up maybe in 10 months if not more.
The problem is how to get a guy playing a few days to see how to be able to grow to the size of players playing over 5 years and who spent thousands. Its pay to win. Pay in cash, time, or both but there no simple answer. Just have to do the same that the lb did. It all comes in time. This is not a play a few months and beat the game. You will never be as strong as everyone's always growing but you can keep up with new ebs by growing and hitting moving up the eb list as the rest of us did
Spend some money to quickly get max build then get a group of people and get a lot of game gold then strip them of their allies while you get stronger with the allies. Get max strong allies, their stripped even if just a bit, get some equipment along the way. Buy a lot of xtals to get your battles up and have a group of people to protect you from being strip to some extend if you decide to strip people. You could just I guess get more stronger than them by getting more stronger and max allies and a certain build could help. Gain knowledge of the game, know how it works so you're not just some spender and actually know what you're doing.
You can catch up without the strip thing I said but it will take the, down a bit in terms of strength but their will be consequences. Be sure you can deal with it.
All these lies. No it is not you will never catch up. They need to make a new server a fresh start for all.
Realistically yes - but how long? Sheer dedication triumphs over spending, within a long term. With a 16-18 hour activity every day on strictly EB's, you can grow quickly in a span of a year.
Active 16 to 18 hours a day for a year to be a third of the way maxed out. This is no extra invested money mind you. Haha
I recently joined a golf club, but I don't plan on competing in the pga championship any time soon. Y do ppl want things so easy?
Op, you cant catch up to players that spend rl cash n a regular basis. But the good thing about kaw is, you can be just as involved in everything kaw has to offer at just about any size.
Playin KaW is your own journey... Baby era peepz r noobs learnin da ropes. Adolescent phase u correct mistakes. Teenage Times u find ur addicted. Adult phase u correct teenage mistakes. 3-4yrs go by....Alzheimers kicks in BOOM Your still addicted n forgot why