what there really needs to be is like 5-10 extra quests more so everybody can get a few xtals for free before they have to buy again.There should also be a war xtal it should cost like 300-500 nob points but it can mean once you buy the special xtal everytime you war it can be used once but it never disappears unless you use it on a eb and when you use it on a eb it goes and you need to buy it again I know you devs are probably thinking you wouldn't get as much money but not all would buy the special xtal and there are hundreds of warrers so if at least 50% of players bought it it would be good for you and for the warrers of kaw. thank you and good bye.
sorry if you don't like my thread sora and big papa but I mad it for the rest of the kawmunity not just you
Funny because he begged them to post on his wall, ( probably game them a bj too) yes I know he's male
I think this is actually a good idea, im sure i can spare a bit atleast once a season for that extra boost. If it would.help me.in war yeah.
Shut up all of you. Pathetic. 1 He has the right to speak this is the forums. 2 You dont run kaw. 3 If you dont agree fine then say you disagree and give a reason. Just because you dont like doesnt give you the right to be assholes. 4 Show some intelligent points as to why its not a good idea, otherwise you're just wasting everones time. 5 if you cant give.me one good real reason as to why its a bad idea then dont speak. Your.not worth the air you breath.
How about WoC cost 1 xtal. After match up its converted to a Regen Spell for the war only n expires if unused. Would that be a solution?