threatening rl family

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smallfry, May 28, 2015.

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  1. New to forums . Bear with me. In process of police interviews (2 days from now) regarding a loon that is threatening my family.

    I made mistake when I thought we were friends of revealing my address. PLEASE DONT MAKE SAME MISTAKE

    We then have fallen out and now I'm getting threats against my wife and children aswell as myself

    If quitting kaw was a solution that would be easy ...... But this loon has my address.

    Advice and comment please
  2. Have you emailed these threats to support? Also, it should be basic knowledge not to give out that kind of info over a tap tap game
  3. Wow. Someone failed safety education huh
  4. Someone didnt use protection while pvp'ing.. Feel the burn
  5. I don't believe you. Get attention elsewhere.
  6. Threatening wife and disgusting!! Ofcourse don't give this perusal info.. But the question it responsibility of athinkingape to regulate this or local authorities?
  7. Post the cops not a public forum

    Oan never give out your address online kaw is a war game not a dating site
  8. My mommy told me that the first rule of the Internet is not to trust anyone on the Internet.
  9. Easy mistake... cause you are such a distinctive member in your community...

    But now what? I wouldn't put it beneath him to act like he said.
  10. If he has threatened you and your family on KaW, screen shot the conversation and email to support @

    It's a good thing you went to the cops. The only thing we can do here is just talk about it. I hope you and your family remain safe and the problem resolves.
  11. Yep. Police now involved. Yep I was stupid to give info. Now acting on advice and giving opportunity for explanations .
  12. And yep - got screen shots
  13. So let me get this straight
    You told a random stranger on Kaw that could be a serial killer ur address? Jeez what have u been learning in school in all these years?
  14. I also suggest you request a lock, lol
  15. Devs will only silence and advice to unfollow/block. They can act upon prof of asking for personal info. Thats all.

    I think they should include in the rules that threats against family is cause for ban and automatically report to local authorities. Then they can act.
    Its also a kaw responsibility.
  16. You must be either blond or bald Start :lol:
    Bald cause they didn't teach you in school.. or blond cause... you know :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:

    Either way ... threatening kids is DISGUSTING 
  17. Yes Edward - you are right. My error. Long time since I was at school and too trusting . Hope you don't make same mistake
  18. devs can ban him if they desire too, heck, devs can ban any account for no reason at all
  19. It is agaisnt the rules, I've had one threaten to find me in real life and actually fight him because I beat him in a game of tap the fairy and he lost :p

    So anyways he's no longer here in kaw cos devs banned him. Moral of the story don't threaten it's bad for your health, and #1 rule of the Internet is don't trust anyone.
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