How do you feel about the game today?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by joe_, May 22, 2015.

  1. I happen to agree to a point.
  2. Solutions? No? Ok. Moving on.
  3. Frog/argoli: I agree with both of you in some respects. I'll dive in to that soon, but I like the discussion that's happening.
  4. Wannabe vk
  5. One other point re devs - they really should explain their actions better. Transparency as opposed to "thanks for telling us about the issue, we will investigate and tell you nothing more" simply isn't customer service.

    I don't report much anymore as they do nothing and refuse to talk about their reasons. I've never been silenced (pvp for 4 years and never silenced ) but understand they do the same if folk question a silence.
  6. Problem: New user retention

    Causes: lack of instructions in the tutorial, almost impossible for little guys to stay at mp, the starter clan is a dying breed.

    Solutions: New player bonus includes a spell that gives you MP despite allies, have a new type of VK spell for mentors (a volunteer spell where people can offer build and growth advice to noobs), update the tutorial, update the help menu to reflect actual game conditions.
  7. Problem: EE War Participation low

    Causes: Difficult to organize a roster, mechanics and matching algorithm could use tweaking, lack of incentives

    Potential Solutions: more EE based events including a new season and mini season events (2 week duration, 1 eq slot or 500-1000 mith rewards at end), Increase mith payouts from chaos wars, native tracking app to reduce the burden of finding a tracker, continuously work to improve mechanics (Nerf/buff aspects as they become over/underpowered), allow users to bank in upgrades (new building upgrades are 500b hard to grow and war frequently), reduce plunder penalties for towers, have EE war victories pay large gold bonuses.
  8. Definite support!
  9. 1)no
    3)yes, to close the immense gap a bit.
    4)pvp events are fun, but a bit boring bc bl is always the same targets. Other events I liked were the nomad event and the feather event was decent.
    5)shrinking, but devs are trying to fix things with minor changes.
  10. The game is the same to me. It's a tap tap game that's lived a long time. If you liked tap tap games like oG and similar games this is still pretty good. It's always the same.

    They need a option to turn off and on defense pots. This seemed like the best active thread to say that. On/Off switch is usable.
  11. Honestly, I've been playing for 5 years and it's one of the best games I've played, definitely the best on the App Store. Yes, there is a few things here and there, but the devs have brought this game a long way. When it started there weren't even clans, so quit your whining. The devs are good at what they do.
  12. New event is started. Anyone want to see how this goes?
  13. First impressions about the event:

    - I really like that new interface. A centralized point where I can find all the info. Hmm, maybe devs could enter a counter for those skull parts too, so I wouldn't need to browse my profile's inventory to see what I'm missing to form those event items.

    - I hate those "gather 4 pieces and form one item" event. I honestly would prefer getting the item itself, rewarding activity and not silly eb jumping. I have no problems with HTE being special, but well...

    - I like the reward distribution. Only a very few LB ranking items and quite a lot of nice rewards for collecting a set amount of items. Much more motivating than trying to get to top 5000 for a crappy reward. Might motivate me to throw a few seals for my clan.

    - Interesting to see short PvP events during the event itself, contributing to a common reward system. Might foster participation as 14 days of PvP events was quite a long time. I do like the fact that one can lose items via PvP.

    Zero items collected so far on any toons 
  14. Event alone, I give it an efforting Solid B. We'll see how folks turn out, but so far, it's a few crazy folks at the top.

    That said, it's a decent event format all allows smaller builds to work toward a pvp event that is more inclusive, but I'm not sold yet.

    Gotta wait thru it and see what transpires.

    Still don't like the wc announcement for new players, but we can discuss that again in time.
  15. Didn't get farmed today. Thumbs down
  16. All the events are very pay to win focused. I understand this is a business but I believe the events should be spaced out more instead of trying to rinse the players of money so often. PvP is the same too unless you're spending on charms or special candles you wont get very far.

    I think they should consider lowering the price for these items. Instead of 59 nobs how about 29 the same price as a horn. Also offering a discount on nobility points would make me more inclined to buy them. As it is I feel like I'm not getting value for money. 59 nobs for a pvp charm doesn't seem cost effective to me.
  17. On the note of cost effectiveness of items just think about seals. In many clans the HTE is over in less than an hour including the start time. Charms give you 1 hour which sucks a bit but for some players it's actually better than getting a seal.