Training Camp Year 1: Complete

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TlllRIIIAlIlCIlIilllAIIIN, May 22, 2015.

  1. Why is idd riding na success?
  2. Anyone? I'm just curious.
  3. Why is Apoc the biggest alliances in KaW?
  4. Cause we pillage and pilfer. Born awesome really. But that's my opinion, I'm here to hit ebs
  5. There's a lot of pee here
  6. Anything achieved by NA has also been achieved by our brothers and sisters in IDD. They shed blood with us, they are more than welcome to bask in any glory we may achieve.

    cheers to my fam over at IDD, the love you guys have shown to NA won't soon be forgotten:)
  7. Hmm

  8. Rest in pee
  9. Yafi got anything to say about this?
  10. Full support NA
  11. Rest in Pee.
  12. ResT iN URiNe yafi LaMEs
  13. I'm curious you seems like a little girl. Where ever it's hot you join them. You join YAFAIL when they where hot and did the fail recruitment tactic "Christmas ally free market". Now guess where you at? 
  14. Who on earth wants to rest in pee ! This is down right crazy !
  16. Fermented pee n poop cocktail. Yafi last meal