The only thing I dislike and makes many players feel demotivated is everytime a new tier of buildings and lands are being released, and that you have to spend trillions and trillions, and a lot of time just to get build complete AGAIN. Our absolute power has increased exponentially over the years but speaking in terms of relatively we have achieved exactly nothing. It's like holding a cookie up high in front of a toddler and when he's trying to reach for it and he's almost got it, you hold it up higher again ... Even the toddler will find out there's no use of reaching for the cookie since he'll never get it anyway. Unless he buys crystals and seals.
Building up a small account is difficult. The no ally thing til 1b is kind of hard especially when you are making 4-5m a hitm
Most thoughts here are very good, and thank you very much Dr. for directing the conversation as I would. You should speak more tbh. The community should hear what all have to say. Payers, players, oG and new folks. All should be behind making the game better.
Resp: I doubt that happens again soon. I haven't been lcbc since t3, but such goes the casualty of 2-3 yrs of constant OSW. There's a balance to be struck here, and I think we can create it, but we have to make concessions. More new lands and buildings again is foolish. I go back to obi's post on my first thread back. Step 1 is fixing low/mid-level eb plunder and taking new player announcements off wc.
I agree. I recently made an alt from scratch to see how easy it is to grow with the new starter package and struggled to gain any tracktion until I was able to retain an ally over 1b which i could only get through hitting item phases on origins. More equipment for smaller players that drops from the first 3 tiers of epic battles would do wonders for helping retain players as well.
I'm new here and I guess the game isn't so bad. Wouldn't have had a clue what I was doing if I didn't have a friend IRL who knows his way around this game though. Tutorial taught me absolutely nothing, and I had to rely on other people to tell me what I was meant to do.
From my experience with ATA, I can say they truly want 100% fairness for all. But, on certain things, they cannot just act. They need sound proof before they do anything since removing them from this game due to unsound reasoning could get them sued.
Kaw is losing its appeal I'm afraid. It's now more of a social app than anything and I'm not exactly sure how to get it back. When I started in 2010 there were lots of clans welcoming new folk and lots of new folk to learn with and compete grow against. New folk now must really struggle. Argoli is spot on re devs and those who spend a lot can do anything without risk of banning. That's their prerogative but means I rarely spend money these days on kaw (used to do 20 xtls a day in my pvp heyday but now it's well under 20 a month probably). Still ways to pvp and grow but it's kinda the same and a little dull. I'd seriously consider starting kaw2 to give everyone a chance to start over with everyone else like other games have done. That way the grow, grow clan, account etc would bring some interest in.
The tutorial needs fixing/Npc ally for a week/Starter equip needs to be added. Also, I've noticed before that new players feel it very hard to believe people on what they should be building and what not. Auto putting their name in WC is a great leap forward in that department.
In Moose's similar thread, we discussed the need for balance of enjoyment of the game between the players who have played for years and have all the best equipment, and those who have not. Moose had a decent idea that players could temporarily hire a "merc" (which could be either a willing player or a set of stats) that could allow for short term ability to hit other players which are in the attack range but are usually un hittable. He also came up with an idea that equipment should sometimes be broken by incoming hits to prevent these huge permanent bonuses. I altered that idea and suggested instead that the equipment have "hit points" so that instead of randomly losing equipment, players could gauge when their equipment would fail. Also, instead of losing the equipment, I posited that the equipment could simply go dormant, and could be recharged for aqua and inferno (keeping those relevant). The equipment would even recharge to the same enchantment level (so no one has to deal with the incompetent mage too often). This way, instead of a permanent bonus, equipment would be judiciously used (for example; one may have a set of "war equipment" and a general set). This would allow for the use of all the equipment (possibly, but at least the older equipment would be less useless). Also, players would be more hittable if they didn't have these permanent unbreakable bonuses, and they would not lose the use of the equipment they worked so hard to get.
Personally i enjoy this game. As to the question of growth of the game i couldnt really say. The only thing i really think the devs could do better is be more transparent with projects and intents. Id rather know what they have in the works and why it doesnt pan out if they end up caneling it.
Too many people are moaning and whining about the hit ratio. Did you see the winners? Some very small builds did really well. Personally if someone is talking crap on the forums, I should be able to smack him, no matter his size. Many games have no hit ratio whatsoever. If you don't like inc from bigs, learn to grow and learn to not annoy them.
Quite a dumb statement... #1 smalls did well, because bigs didn't see them on their bl(or low in clan roster) and they could farm other smalls for easy roses by staying in pin for most of the time. And, of course, hansels can be farmed very easy if not pinned, so it's not really about the build size in such an event. Learn to grow is a funny statement either. People who play for three years less than others should just spend enough money to grow? Makes absolutely no sense to kinda force them. Seems quite arrogant.
Smalls did well because bigs didn't see them? Lol don't see how that counter argues my point. I don't bother using the BL anyways.
As for the growing statement... Just because I started playing golf 6 months ago doesn't mean I should be put on the pro tour. Likewise if a person is still relatively small but then opts into an event where bigger builds will target him, he should take responsibility for that. It was his choice.