Re: I present to you a new concept to KaW; Raiding. LR for ya folks. :roll: :lol: anyways it looks interesting. wouldn't mind seeing this implemented and you obviously have it all planned out. support
I skimmed over the majority of this and will go more indepth later. But, before my memory fails me, here are a few points I'd like to bring up: Player health bars - I feel adding player health bars would add a sense of urgency to raiding, since, in raids, you try and damage something with the needed amount of people in a set time. I'm not sure how damage could be dealt to it though. And there should be a way regenerate your health. Equipment - It would be cool if you were required to have certain equipment to hit or do certain things that greatly increase your chance of success/lessen the damage dealt to you. If these two are in the OP somewhere, then woo
I tried to keep it simple enough to be something the devs might seriously consider, though I did want to go really crazy with details like that lol. Instead of heaving the raid encounters "hit back" I tried to keep it simple & have your troop/spy bar reduced to 0 if you fail certain conditions and have the named encounters cause you to fail if you don't meet certain conditions. That was my way of having the raid encounter "hit back" as some players frequently request of EBs. As far as the equipment goes, the more difficult raids could require you have equipment from the easier raids to ignore certain fail conditions, etc. I made a very detailed thread around February this year about additions to equipment with regenerating effects and a ton of other stuff but my ideas seemed a bit too ambitious for what might actually be pushed through so tried to stay grounded in this one.
So basically you don't want KaW to have any way to stand out you want it to conform and to add a feature of other games? If you want that feature from other games go play them.
Its not a true eb really but includes many aspects. I did a glance thru also n noticed EE war aspects r included. I'd hope n suggest the devs have improvements/additions for us soon for EE. Summary: Ops idea can take KaW to higher evolved state. The more war n eb can be tied closer together is radical n interesting.
Re: I present to you a new concept to KaW; Raiding. Too bad eye rolling emoji don't win osw's. Then you and your friends wouldn't be "retired".
Re: I present to you a new concept to KaW; Raiding. Job Well Done Sora. Support! Badrobot? for the 1st time i didnt Laugh.
Re: I present to you a new concept to KaW; Raiding. That's all you got from the whole thread? Really?
Why is your suggestion to limit it to players with ee - is it to encourage players to ee. Well why not just make ee drop chests, bonuses etc instead of having to do an eb after spending the time to ee. On a bright note sounds like a good ee for any player even if they have ee or not.
Both to encourage players to EE more/give people another reason to EE & because the attention required/timeframe, coordination/teamwork, and some of the strats will be things EE warriors are used to. Kinda of like a fusion between EBers/EE warriors. Would bring everything together for the more "hardcore" type of gamer. Also if you check the beginning of the post your build/bfe/bfa would not be factored in so it would allow all players of any diff build type/bfe/bfa to be equally useful. Purely comes down to how well you coordinate the raid & work as a team.
I like the thought and it's a good idea but devs need to focus on other things rn and get some other things straight first.
What I was trying to say is why should only people who ee have access to an eb that has rewards like crux chests etc. players that ee are already rewarded with ee mith and equipment. If this was imtroduced for ee warriors eb warriors will want ebs that drop the same. I understand the need for more complexity and ebs that require team work and add dimension what I disagree with is it is only open to people that ee as they are already rewarded.
S5 First. But anyway very great idea sora 100% support and I like the way only for people with EE as wars are dying out slowly.